Going to a small high school can sometimes be tough. Rumors spread faster than anything, it can be hard to sometimes see some individuality, and the campus might be cramped and tiny. However, in spite of all this (and more) high school is supposed to be the best time of our lives. So here's a few reasons to love your small high school:
1. You know the name of almost every person you walk by in the hallway.
Sometimes it's nice to see a fresh face, but it feels like a more tight knit community when you've known everyone for almost your entire life.
2. The principal, teachers, and even some custodians know your name.
Again, it's all about community. In a school of 2,000 students, you're lucky if even your current teachers remember your name. In a small school on the other hand, it makes you feel appreciated and like you're really cared for if the principal can call you out by name and ask how your parents are.
3. Pep rallies are the pinnacle of the week.
I don't know about large schools, but in small schools, just the mention of a pep rally makes everyone go crazy. It's looked forward to for weeks and when the time comes, the students certainly don't hold back with chants and silly antics.
4. Spirit week is even more precious than pep rallies.
For one week, only one, the classes battle it out for bragging rights. Spirit week in a small school is absolutely monumental; it's the thing that adds some pizzazz to just another regular old week of the year. Perhaps in large schools a significant amount of students don't participate, but in a small school, if you don't participate and dress up, you're the one looking stupid.
5. Sports games bring the whole community together.
No matter how badly or well the football team plays, you go to support the friends you've known since first grade on their senior night or the playoffs. Everybody and their mother is there to watch the team and it really feels as if the town has come together for one night.
6. Teachers actually have time to work one on one with you.
It might be difficult to find some one on one time with a teacher in a large school because of how many students they might have. However in a small school, teachers are more than happy to even go out of their way to help you figure out that one stoichiometry problem you just don't get.
7. Senior trips are easier to plan.
With a graduating class of 300 rather than 600, it can be much easier to plan a senior trip or cruise.
8. Senior trips/cruises and prom are the best times of your life.
With a smaller class, senior trips and prom are a bit more touching because it's a last hurrah with the 300 friends you've known your entire life. It just feels much more special if your entire graduating class can fit on a small dance floor and dance and scream the lyrics to "Don't Stop Believing" one last time before heading your separate ways.
9. Everyone supports each other.
At the end of senior year, when it's time for everyone to announce their college decisions and what they will be doing with their lives, each of your classmates will be there to congratulate you and wish you the best of luck personally.
10. You know every single person walking across the stage on graduation day.
You will go through hell and back with your classmates. When the big day finally arrives, you will feel so incredibly proud of each other and it will be even more significant because of the family you have become.
11. You know that you will always stay in touch.
Whether it's with the principle, teachers, or your classmates, it would be impossible to not have forged wonderful relationships for the rest of your life. Reunions will be a bit more special knowing that you have seen each other grow over the span of a lifetime. No matter how frustrating it can sometimes be to go to a small school, you can't deny that you couldn't have imagined your high school experience any other way.