10 Reasons Why I Love Being Fun Sized. | The Odyssey Online
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10 Reasons Why I Love Being Fun Sized.

I Wouldn't Change My Height If I Could.

10 Reasons Why I Love Being Fun Sized.

Being fun sized could sometimes be a struggle, but overall I think being fun sized is great! I am the perfect height to hide in small spaces while playing hide and seek, to get my boyfriend to put me on his shoulders so I can reach something or see, get the best bear hugs with my feet lifting off the ground, and to be the most comfortable while traveling since I can sit in the strangest ways with tons of leg room to stretch out! When people say I am short I don't get offended; I like being short! I am comfortable with my height and I hope everyone else is whether you are short or tall, since everyone is perfect in their own way.

1. You Always Get To Be In The Front For Photos.

Some people may not like being in the front for photos, but when you are short it is easy to disappear if you aren't in the front. Most likely if we are taking a photo I want to be seen. The front row of the photo is your calling. You will be the one seen with your bright smile kneeling up front.

2. You Get To Call Yourself Fun Sized Like The Mini M&M's Instead Of Short.

People may argue with you that you are not fun sized you are short and that fun sized isn't a thing. Who cares what they think though. You can call yourself whatever you would like. I love saying that I am fun sized instead of short it is so much more fun. If mini M&M's can be fun sized so can I!

3. You Can Get Your Boyfriend Or That Cute Boy You Just Met To Help You Reach The Things You Can't.

When you are fun sized it can be impossible sometimes to reach things; however, this isn't always a bad thing. Sometimes I love that I cannot reach because that means I can have my boyfriend lift me onto his shoulders to reach it and we could be that funny, goofy, couple having fun in the supermarket. Or if you don't have a boyfriend this is the perfect opportunity to talk to that cute boy you've had your eye on.

4. You Can Wear Heels And Not Have To Worry About Being Too Tall.

I could wear heels or booties pretty much anytime I want. I will never be that tall with them on. If you are fun sized and you wear heels chances are you will still be shorter than all of your tall friends. Half the time people might not even notice that you are wearing them since you will be around average height with them on. Being able to wear heels and booties whenever you want means that you get to dress up your outfits any time of the day you want too. You don't have to save them for those weekend nights.

5. You Can Save Money And Shop In The Teens Section Still If You Want.

When you are fun sized you will most likely be able to shop in the teens sections of stores for your entire life if you choose to do so. It is like you will be twenty-one forever still shopping in the stores that you brought clothes in throughout high school and college. As long as you buy the right items that don't make you look like you are trying too hard to look young again; you should go for it! It is probably a lot cheaper than shopping in other stores where the clothes might not even fit you right!

6. You're Always So Comfortable On Public Transportation Because You Have So Much Leg Room.

No matter what kind of transportation I am on I always have tons of leg room, it can be a bus, boat, train, plane, etc. Since my legs are so short I always sit in the strangest of ways. In class you would usually find me with my legs both on the seat, one leg on the desk, both, or just twisted like a pretzel. Honestly, people probably look at me like I am crazy when I sit in these strange ways. I do the same thing on any seat I find myself in, whether it is in a classroom, on public transportation, or in someones house. You will find me with my legs anywhere but the ground, literarily though since my feet most likely won't reach the ground.

7. Big Bear Hugs Are The Best Because You Get Lifted Off The Ground.

Being fun sized is great for big bear hugs. I love being lifted up and engulfed into warm arms. You immediately become surrounded by the person hugging you. It is also the perfect hug when you wrap your arms around them and rest your head against them because it is the perfect height for him to rest his head on top of yours. This is perfect for forehead kisses and burying his face in your hair.

8. You Might Be Small And Cute, But You Are Most Likely Super Feisty And Strong.

People might under estimate your strength because you are small but all of us that are fun sized know that we are actually really strong. We might look cute and adorable at our fun sized height, but watch out because we are most likely really feisty. I know I can be at least. Just because I am small does not mean that I wouldn't be able to fight back. I think it is a good thing that some people believe that when you are short you won't be strong because it makes us just that much stronger and willing to be able to fight for ourselves when they least expect it.

9. You Can Hide Behind Taller People From The Sun Or Wind.

This is one of the best things about being short; you can hide from the elements! If you are outside when it is windy, rainy, or even sunny and someone tall is standing near you, you can actually stand directly behind them and be blocked from whatever is coming your way. Being small means that most people can be human shields for you; use it to your advantage!

10. You Probably Have A Great Personality And Are Super Outgoing, Which Most People Won't Expect.

Some people might think you are cute, innocent, and shy since you are fun sized. Well half of the time they are wrong. Everyone is different. You can be tall and shy, and you can be short and outgoing. However, if you are fun sized you probably have a big and loud personality to make up for being so tiny. I am one of the loudest people I know, which is funny since I am fun sized.

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