10 Reasons Being An Aggie Is The Best Experience Ever | The Odyssey Online
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10 Reasons Being An Aggie Is The Best Experience Ever

Mostly, Reveille, but you know there are other good reasons also.

10 Reasons Being An Aggie Is The Best Experience Ever
Valeria May Photography

In the recent light of the controversial event that was supposed to happen but did not, I decided to write about why I chose Texas A&M University in the first place. We should be reminded of the great things A&M has to offer even if, for a while, it would have allowed such an inhumane, white nationalist event.

I spent three years at this amazing university, and although I encounter flaws and other issues, that did not shy away from me appreciating it for what it is worth.

1. The traditions bring students together

Whether it is standing at a football game for hours until our feet hurt or saying “Here” while we are remembering those we lost, we hold true to these traditions. Whether you basically crash on your bike to avoid going under the Century Tree alone or put a penny on Sully before each exam for good luck, or any others of the many we have, we stick to these traditions like a lifeline because of our loyalty to this university.

2. It is the friendliest campus

This is the first thing they tell you about A&M when you get here, but soon you discover it is not because everyone says ‘Howdy’ to each other. It is more because you trust random strangers to lead you to the right direction when you are lost. It is because we are in a place where you can ask an absolute stranger to watch over your overpriced backpack and the rest of your belongings in hope that another stranger does not take them. Ironic huh? Well, that is how this great university rolls.

3. The Aggie Network is immense

You might be in Montana or in China, but you will discover that finding an Aggie is not hard. That is how far the Aggie network goes. More than just finding an Aggie anywhere, it is about how much an Aggie, if able, would go to help out another fellow Aggie.

4. Diversity?

As much as that has come to question in the past couple of weeks with these controversial events and even tweets, diversity exists at A&M in some sense. Some might disagree with this statement because A&M is about 58 percent Caucasian but you still find people from all over the world. If you choose to cherish the diversity we have or go against these beliefs, just know that it could be worse. Diversity is a topic of debate with minorities at A&M because they do not see themselves represented. As a minority myself, I have felt this way, but I also see the progress that has been made over the past few years.

5. The Aggie Ring

It is the ring that gets you a job, or so they say. Accomplishing 90 hours to be able to order your Aggie Ring is one of the best feelings you will have during your college years. It makes all the hard work, late nights at Evans Library or West Campus Library, and all that money you spent on caffeine, worth it. Not to mention, that meaningful piece of gold is a great conversation starter anywhere you go.


To be honest, when I first came to A&M I was not really a football fan, but attending my first game with the 12th Man was an incredible experience. It really changed the way I saw football. I know Aggie Football is a roller coaster ride, but being a loyal supporter is part this university, which has so much to offer.

7. The Spirit of Aggieland

The passion that a student has towards A&M is incredible. It makes coming to this university worth it. The sense of friendliness and hospitatility that comes from being part of Aggieland is uncomparable.

8. Reveille

I mean what other university has such a gorgeous and majestic dog? Maybe I am being biased but, she is the representation of happiness.

9. The War Hymn

Whether it is a football game or at 2 AM when Northgate is about to close, the War Hymn is always sung with such pride and passion. This brings the students together to show off their spirit.

10. The Big Event

Nothing describes the togetherness of the student body more than this event full of service to the community. About 20,000 students go out to the Bryan/College Station area one day out of the year to volunteer in anyway possible.

All in all, Texas A&M University is a place where people come to get a great education and enjoy their years in college. Let us be mindful of the reasons we chose this university and not get caught up in the negative connotations that sometimes come with it.

No university is perfect, but this university was and is still perfect for us for various reasons.

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