Take a look around the world, and everything going on. Look at the big picture. Is this the way the world should be? Has society really progressed as much as we think?
In America, we can't say that there has been an end to racism, in fact no where in the world has the end of racism been achieved. Humanity has been blinded by the rays of race, and are unable to see the big picture.
Its crazy to think how sheltered we as humans are today. Its crazy to think that half the people in the United States don't really watch the news, they just receive it through social media, like Twitter and Facebook. Most people in the younger generations don't really watch the news, nor do they understand that different news channels broadcast different news stories from different angles. Seems like most kids nowadays base their political opinions based on Cloyd Rivers from Twitter. This unawareness and idiocracy is a part of the reason I lost faith in humanity. If you think about it a whole part of America just doesn't care about politics and current events at all, the other part is just unaware, another part is unaware but wants to have an opinion about everything, and then theres a small portion who is actually informed and has a valid opinion.
Now lets talk about some recent events that took place.
First on the list, the shooting that took place in Orlando, FL at a night club. Tragic event, may everyone who lost their lives to the event RIP, and families and friends affected remain in out prayers. The shooter was a man who had terroristic affiliation, true. He was an American born citizen, who caused a terrible tragedy with the use of a gun. So, where does the matter of closing borders come in place, but got forbid we discuss gun control? What does closing the borders have to do with a man who was born in this very country and caused terror here? The thing is that people are very quick to have an opinion without even knowing whats going on? Oh, and don't even get me started on the uprising hate towards muslims in America. Yes the man was middle eastern, yes he has brown skin, yes you see muslim people with brown skin everywhere, no they are not terrorists. There are many branches of Islam, if you know nothing about it, don't talk about it. Its not hard. You cannot blame an entire religious sect for the actions of ONE MAN. I lost faith in humanity because one man had the hate in his heart to cause such a terror attack, and from the other side as people make it another hate issue against Muslims.
Donald Trump is running for President and people are voting for him. I just lost faith in humanity while typing that sentence. That is all.
Gun control. THE OBVIOUS SOLUTION. I promise half the people against gun control don't even own a gun. I'm not saying abolish every gun in America, I'm also not saying that you can't protect yourself. I'm saying to regulate guns. There are many other countries out there in the world who rarely ever have mass shooting or shootings at all for that matter, like our neighbors in Canada. If I had a dime for every time I've seen some tweet or say "Guns don't kill people, people kill people"...I would have a lot of dimes. If guns don't kill people, what part does the damn gun play in the whole situation? Obviously, theres never been a mass stabbing, choking, or a mass brutal fight where one man killed more than 20 people without a gun? Maybe in Bollywood, not in real life. So, if gun control were to take place, obviously there would be less shootings to take place, theres not really a question there. Its just common sense. Ever since 9/11 the TSA has exponentially increased security at airports, same concept if gun control were to be implemented am I right?
There have been many incidents like shootings that have involved people of caucasian decent. Sandy Hook shooting, movie theatre incident in Colorado, Sikh Temple of Wisconsin shooting, and many other countless incidents. I promise over 80% of the people who committed these crimes were known to have "mental illnesses"...seems like an epidemic these days, but thats none of my business. Was shooting up a Sikh Temple not a terroristic threat? Was shooting up a black church not a terroristic threat?
So, now lets view these points from a different perspective, that of an Indian-American girl born in America. How many times have I been called a terrorist? Countless times. How many times have I been told racist slurs that actually had nothing to do with my race? More times than I can remember. So, in turn, when I see a white person shoot up a school or place of prayer, do I decide to hate on Christianity or the race? No, I hate on the crime that was committed by the person it was committed by. Have you ever read the headline "BREAKING NEWS: Christian man shoots up church". No, you don't, so why relate a person of color with their religion or where they come from? The fact that humans can't even match races to proper racist slurs is sad within itself. How much more ignorant will society get?
Whats left to talk about? Oh yeah, the whole rape case situation that took place at Stanford.
So, I live in a world where theres racism, hate crimes, ignorance, and now I have to live in a world where theres just a lack of some damn common sense. Lets get this straight, a guy raped a girl. Point blank, he raped her. I don't understand what the question is here, and why his parents are even attempting to protect him? Your dear son raped a girl, therefore, SHE IS THE VICTIM. NOT YOUR SON. YOUR SON IS THE CRIMINAL. Why does it matter if he's on a swim team and attends Stanford? What affiliation does that have to the crime he committed? I lost faith in humanity because apparently now an issue like rape is debatable.
I lose faith in humanity every day that a hate crime takes place, a mass shooting occurs, a bombing occurs, an innocent girl is raped and not given justice, everytime the justice system fails, every time we fail to realize that we are not the only country in the world, and millions of other times. In todays world the main issue is that people lack the interest in being informed, lack the interest in being educated and helping the society. The young generation that will soon take over this country, consists of a bunch of uninformed, ignorant kids who spend 90% of their lives on Twitter and Netflix, and have basically no actual interest in current events, and rarely ever know whats going on, let that sink in.