6 Reasons Why You Need To Let Him Go | The Odyssey Online
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6 Reasons Why You Need To Let Him Go

I understand you may love him, but is the feeling mutual?

6 Reasons Why You Need To Let Him Go
Gabriel Benois

To anyone that is reading this and taking notes, keep in mind I have never been in a relationship. After dealing with hurt best friends, hurtful boyfriends, arguments, and heartaches, I am here to tell you that girl, you do not need him. I understand that relationships aren't supposed to be like the movies, but you deserve to be happy.

1. Don't put that stress on yourself.

This is your time to have fun and meet people. I am jealous of the people in relationships, but if the relationship isn't enjoyable, don't waste your time. You are worth so much more and deserve so much better than arguments and drama. If you can't bear the thought of having a serious conversation or you think you're putting in more effort than him, you need to leave.

2. You can't get him off your mind.

Letting someone go is hard – there is no doubt about it. And although he is the only person on your mind, it isn't healthy because you won't be able to sleep at night, or even look at guys that come into your life the same way. Don't ruin that future opportunity because of something that is making you unhappy. If you are unsatisfied and with a one-tracked mindset, you will lose focus on school, work, and everything else you're doing.

3. Keep your word.

If you say you're going to stop talking to him, then stop. I know it may not be easy, but it will only hurt you more. You have tried to share your thoughts and opinions about issues in your relationship, but he isn't listening. If you have a strong opinion about something and he doesn't care, girl, he isn't worth the breath. If anything, you're letting him get away with his wrong-doing.

4. It is better to be alone, than unhappy.

Time spent in a bad relationship is a waste of time. Now, trust me, being alone isn't always the best, but if you are unhappy, jump off that train as fast as possible. Being single gives you the chance to figure out life without anyone tying you down. The odds of you wanting to date someone like your ex-are very slim, so being single gives you the chance to see what you really want in a relationship.

5. You're constantly overthinking.

If you're constantly worrying about who his best friend is on Snapchat or why he isn't replying, spend your time worrying about something else. I feel like lately, girls are constantly complaining about their boyfriends who aren't replying within seconds – girl, take a breath. Either stop trying to read between the lines and take his word, or just give up because overthinking will hurt your relationship.

6. You're doing backflips for someone that isn't noticing.

The first step is to accept that it's time to give up trying to throw yourself out there. Start doing stuff for yourself, make decisions, impress yourself! It really doesn't matter how much you impress someone or how much of an impact you make on him. Right now, you are the only person that matters. In the end, do whatever it is that makes you happy. If you enjoy doing actual backflips, do them. If you want to lay in bed and do nothing, do nothing!

Now I understand relationships are great, well actually I don't, but I can assume they are great! You are with someone you can talk to, someone you can go out with, someone you feel differently towards. But if you are having problems, don't waste any more time. Now I am not in any way saying if you have one little argument, break up with the guy, but if this is going on for a while, consider it! If you ever need someone to talk to, you have your friends, family, and me!

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