Applying to college sucked. Buying a ton of new plastic cutlery and drawers for a cubicle-sized dorm sucked. Saying goodbye to my loved ones at home sucked.
But college is great.
I never thought that I would be so crushed to leave my new family here at school behind and, as finals come around, I've realized what it is exactly that's going to make it so hard to part for a few months.
1. Late night conversations in the bathroom that make you change your perspective on a boy, your major or really, your direction in life.
I can't tell you how many times I've vented my heart out to the girls on my floor as I brushed my teeth with pimple cream on my face. Although I have no idea how my friends understood me, they definitely listened and gave the best possible advice.
2. The ability to yell the food you're craving down the hallway and have someone pop out of their room and give it to you.
Among all 20 girls who live on my floor must be the entire snack aisle of Wal-Mart. My amazing friends are always willing to share, knowing how crucial it is to satisfy my craving for Cheetos at 3:30pm on a Sunday.
3. The group chat.
You know what I'm talking about. No matter how much you complain about the constant notifications, you know you're going to miss how active it is when you're all separate for a while.
4. Caring for my friends on those rough nights.
It's not fun, but it does always teach you how important it is to handle yourself and, sometimes, how to handle authority. I've learned so much from the tough times that I admit I'm gonna miss them.
5. Crushed relationships.
Love sucks. Girls suck, boys suck, people suck...we all know this to be true. As much as we've all gone through hurt, this is how we take away the relationship lessons we need to learn now while we're all still young.
6. Adulting.
Cereal for dinner? At 2am on a Monday night? At 4pm on a Sunday? Yeah, I definitely got this adulting thing down...
I already miss it as I lay in my dorm room, listening to the laughter in the hallways and surrounded by the piles of crap I need to store for the summer. I hold back tears now, but I'm glad to know I'll be back soon enough.