From enjoying the warm weather to spending time with my friends, summer truly makes me so happy. This season gives me so much to look forward to. And, let me share them with you!
Experiencing the warm weather
Anyone who lives in the Midwest knows how exciting this is, especially after a rough winter. Dealing with freezing cold temperatures for months straight is not fun. I can't wait to roll down the windows of my car and enjoy the warmth!
Hanging out with friends
Hanging out with my friends is always a good time, but summer is always more fun. There are so many fun activities we like to do, like go to music festivals or have a movie night. I can't wait to come home this summer because I haven't gotten to spend a lot of time with them since being away at school.
Starting my summer jobÂ
Being an education major, I am going to be a camp counselor for five and six-year-olds this summer and I am very excited. This is my first time working at a day camp and it's not always going to be easy, but I'm up for the challenge!
Being sun-kissed and glowy
This is a given. Being pale stinks sometimes. Plus, considering I'll be working poolside all summer, I'm expecting to get my tan on — super exciting!
Swimming at the pool
As a day camp counselor, I'll be in the pool every day, like, you have no idea how pumped I am. I've always loved swimming! Might I mention that you tan better in the pool?
Sleeping in my bed at home
Only college students know and understand this one. My bed at school is not nearly as comfy and spacious as the one I have at home (so sad, TBH). I'm really looking forward to spending the next three months sleeping in it!
Taking a bath
I know this may sound so silly. But, as a college student who is living in the dorms, I'm starting to really miss being able to take a bath. I just want a nice bath with some bubbles and that's it!
Driving to places instead of walking
As a college student, I'm getting really sick of walking everywhere. There's also a level of freedom that comes with driving. I miss it so much so you can bet I'm looking forward to having that sense of freedom once again.
Spending quality time with my family
This is a big one for me. I really have missed my family while being away at school. I can't wait to simply be able to eat meals and watch TV with them again.
 Having a fresh new start before next semester
Classes can be overwhelming. Sometimes, a break is all you need. Overall, I'm using this break to have time for myself to relax and take a mental break before next semester starts.
There are many reasons I'm excited about the summer. These are just my top 10. Now, as you prepare for summer break, think about some of the things you're looking forward to!