At some point in college students begin to realize exactly what it is like to be broke. Due to the lack of money they begin to look for jobs. Some are nervous to attain a job because it may be more responsibility, it can affect your school work, social life and much more college students already have to deal with. However, the following reasons help to show the advantages of working while in college.
1. Income
Creating cash flow is important for college students. We do not have much money and what we do have we most likely will spend it on supplies for class or food. Being independent at college means providing for yourself and it is harder to do when you have no money. Most times students have to spend money to have fun whether it be going out to dinner or see a movie or others, but when a college student says they are poor it is because they have no money allowing them to buy items for fun.
2. Creates responsibility
Those who have jobs learn more responsibility than those who do not. Student workers have to balance out their daily schedules with school, work, social life, homework and extra curricular activities-clubs, internships, sports. That is a lot to plan out for one day. However, having a job provides a new skill set such as prioritizing what needs to get done. Learning to prioritize at a young age will help you for the rest of your life. Additionally, jobs teach accountability. Getting to work on time, doing a job well and on time and learning to work even when you don't want to are very important for your school work.
3. Money management
Having an income means having to be responsible with it. If you have a job simply to pay rent or live, then being able to manage your money is a necessity. Furthermore, balancing your bank account will become a good habit as well as planning out a list of all potential items a student may need to buy such as groceries, gas, school and miscellaneous. Learning how to manage money is very important when starting to live on your own and when you begin your career.
4. Creates skills
Friends and people I have talked to do not want to get jobs because they do not want to work at a grocery store or some minimal job. Little do they realize that jobs create important skills that future employers look for. Working in a coffee shop teaches multi-task skills, being a referee for a sport teaches to deal with people and develops people skills. Every job teaches gives you experience. In the end of the day your boss does not care about your grades but cares about your skill set and how well you can perform in the work place. The most important aspect a job teaches is how to listen to authority. Listening skills are very important for employees because it will make your job easier, the client will be happier and so will your boss. Also, understanding how to respect authority is key for any job and for being successful in your career no matter what field you're in.
Studies show that 79 percent of all undergraduate students have part time jobs. The U.S. Department of Education proved that students who work 20 hours or less a week tend to have higher GPAs than those who do not. School is very important to college students. Having a job or an internship teaches so many skill sets that can help individuals in college as well as the "real world", after college.