Okay so the final rose was handed out and it didn't go to Tyler. Instead the rose was given to Jed who was revealed to have a girlfriend during filming and was only on the show in order to advance his career. I have to say that Tyler was the better more stable choice and here is why.
1. He actually has a job.
Unlike Jed who is a singer/songwriter (a average one), Tyler actually works as a contractor as well as modeling. He provides a stable income for himself and would be able to support a wife and family.
2. His family liked her.
During hometowns Tyler's entire family felt he was truly in love and ready to get engaged to Hannah. At Jed's his family seemed skeptical and did not want him to be engaged or in love.
Maybe it's just me but I would want my in-laws to at least pretend to like me.
3. Her family liked him better
When Tyler and Jed both got to meet Hannah's family they went in two opposite directions. Tyler wowed her family and made Hannah's happiness and drive his focus, while Jed worried the family and remained rather hesitant.
4. He seemed happier
Any time that Tyler would talk to Hannah both of their faces lit up. His voice got confident, her smile went from ear to ear just like his. Jed never seemed to have any emotion when he talked, just like his singing, was flat. He never seemed into it and from the outside of a relationship if I can't see the love, its not meant to be.
5. He wanted to be a team
While ABC didn't show Jed and Hannah talking about expectations, Tyler was always shown talking about being Hannah's biggest fan, being a support for her, and her pushing him to be better. This may just be how it was filmed, but seemed odd to me.
6. He was there for her.
Tyler stood up for Hannah in every situation. He avoided most of the drama on the show and told others to cut it out as well. Then at one of the final rose ceremonies he literally got in between Hannah and Luke P. to make sure she was okay. He was ready to fight Luke if it came to that I am 100% sure of that.
7. The Universe said so
The last dates before proposal day were complete opposites. Hannah and Tyler went horseback riding and had a great time together and really seemed to enjoy one another's company. Hannah and Jed went on a boat ride that was so rocky Hannah was getting sick. The ocean even was trying to give you a sign.
8.. Have you seen him
Tyler is a model and former D1 football player that's all I'm going to say.