5 Reasons Going Away For College Was The Best Decision I Ever Made | The Odyssey Online
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5 Reasons Going Away For College Was The Best Decision I Ever Made

5 Reasons Going Away For College Was The Best Decision I Ever Made

Leaving home is never easy, even when you think it will be. For as long as I can remember, I couldn't wait to get as far away from home as possible. I lived in a suburb of Chicago my whole life, but when looking at schools, I dreamed of Colorado, New York, Portland even. Putting space between me and the only place I'd ever known was my top priority. After a long search for a school I not only liked but fit in my budget, I found my future home in Murray, Kentucky. But when the time started disappearing, and I realized the hourglass couldn't be turned back over, everything changed. I began second guessing my decision. I almost backed out. But after completing one semester at Murray State University, I know without a doubt that going away for college was the best decision I ever made. Here's why:

1. New city.

This one might be the most obvious reason, but it is honestly one of the best. Moving to a new place means new roads, new restaurants, new adventures. Western Kentucky is nothing like the suburbia I always knew, but that's OK! I am constantly forced to try new things, not only related to college but related to the new place I am in.

2. Reinvention.

With no one having any prior knowledge of who you used to be in high school, you have the opportunity to completely reinvent yourself and become the person you've always wanted to be. Coming onto Murray State's campus, not a single person knew the shy girl who didn't open her mouth in class, or who died her hair purple her sophomore year, and I was able to flourish into the outgoing person I've always dreamed of being. And I've never been happier.

3. Growing up isn't an option.

Without your parents down the hall, or down a highway for that matter, you are forced to take care of yourself in more ways than you knew you had to. Dirty dishes will get moldy, sometimes colds don't just get better, and laundry will never do itself. I learned how to take care of myself and be wildly independentvery quickly.

3. New perspective.

Moving to a new place can teach you very important lessons during your influential college years. In the midst of a presidential election, I moved from a blue state to a red state. At first I was stubborn, ignoring this opportunity to grow in attempt to not let my views be phased. However, as soon as I opened my eyes and started listening to the reasons people felt the way they did, especially coming from a place much different than mine, I gained a better understanding and maybe even became a little less left-wing. These conversations were not only educational but personally beneficial.

4. It's all up to you.

Coming to a school eight hours away and not knowing a single soul on campus left me two options: I could sit in my dorm and go through the motions or get involved as much as I could. Choosing the latter started the day I decided to go through sorority rush. It lead me to learning how to be outgoing, making an incredible group of friends from all different walks of life, and dropping the fear of rejection that held me back for so long. When it comes to college, you get what you put into it. That's the most important lesson I have learned and I am glad I learned it early.

5. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

You would be surprised how much you miss home, even if you were dying to get away. It's the little things: Sunday morning coffee on your spot on the coach, cuddling with your cat, and if you're from Chicago, Portillos. I never realized all the things I appreciated until I left. You never know what you got 'til it's gone. So when you go back home for break, you'll cherish every moment, even if it's just sleeping in your own bed.

So if you're scared to go far because you won't know anyone, you'll be in a strange new place, or you'll have to take care of yourself, reconsider. All the things that terrified me about leaving, turned into the best reasons.

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