Reasons New Girl's Return to TV is the Best Thing To Happen | The Odyssey Online
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Reasons New Girl's Return to TV is the Best Thing To Happen

They've all been missed

Reasons New Girl's Return to TV  is the Best Thing To Happen

As I am sure many of you know, one of the best television series, "New Girl", just returned to TV on September 20 to start the sixth season. Since school has just begun, this is going to be a great way for everyone to watch a funny show, laugh a bit and unwind on Tuesday nights during the school year. Getting to finally see the gang back together, the newly married couple of Schmidt and Cece, the situations they get themselves into, and the love problems between Nick and Jess (that NEED to be resolved) should be extremely entertaining, as always. But most of all, just seeing the weird roommates that somehow work together and make the best crew, back together again in the loft will undoubtedly be amazing, since each season seems to get better and better.

Some of the best parts of "New Girl" that we have really missed include:

1. The way Schmidt says "Youths."

Now you're probably saying it in your head how he does.

2. Winston's love for his cat, Ferguson.

Their relationship has a bond that cannot be broken... and they eat pasta together. Actual pet goals.

3. Jess's attempts to dance.

Don't pretend that this isn't how you look when you are trying to dance. It's the spirit that counts.

4. The weird, yet lovable relationship between Nick and Tran.

Love needs not the same language (or any language), and they somehow work perfectly together as friends.

5. Cece and Schmidt's Marriage

*Still emotionally fragile from this episode* They really do make a cute couple.

6. Jess's constant positivity and happiness

We all really need a Jess in our lives. Her bubbliness is contagious.

7. Schmidt's love for some pizza

Has anything ever been more relatable? No.

8. Nick's even more relatable way for trying to eat a burrito

Classic. But at least he does not care how he looks.

9.The bromance between Nick and Schmidt

Total opposites, yet they somehow mesh perfectly together. And we all love it.

10. The perfect Nick impressions courtesy of Jess

She really is so spot on with them.

There are countless more parts of "New Girl" that could be talked about and that have been missed, but the best part is knowing that every episode is basically guaranteed to be hilarious and make you laugh multiple times, which is something we all need a bit more of. If you need a break from school work or anything else in life, kick back and try watching some "New Girl" on Netflix, it will be the best decision you have made for yourself in a while.

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