6 Reasons Why Game Of Thrones Will Never Be As Thrilling As Breaking Bad | The Odyssey Online
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6 Reasons Why Game Of Thrones Will Never Be As Thrilling As Breaking Bad

I know I am right--y'all can thank me later

6 Reasons Why Game Of Thrones Will Never Be As Thrilling As Breaking Bad

"Game of Thrones" will never be as good as "Breaking Bad." Before you try to fight me, here is why I believe what I do:

1. "Breaking Bad" invests time in developing each of the stories of all of their main characters.

"Game of Thrones" does not. In addition, it is almost easier for the audience to become emotionally invested in the characters of "Breaking Bad" because there is a very human and not mythical side to them.

2. This is something that I have only heard wonks such as myself complain about...

...but there is a real sense of time in "Breaking Bad" that intensifies the plot to an extent that allows the viewer to not only feel sympathy for the characters in play, but also creates an urgency to make up one’s mind about each of the characters according to their relationship with the protagonist of the show, Walter White. Meanwhile, "Game of Thrones" is filled with inconsistent markers of time, making the general plot of the narrative dubious and strange, difficult to anchor the interest of the audience at any given moment.

3. Both "Breaking Bad" and "Game of Thrones" contain gory scenes.

However, whenever gory scenes occur in "Breaking Bad," since the audience is far more invested in the characters of "Breaking Bad" and in the natural (not mythical) context of the show, namely that the setting of the show is in New Mexico, there is an almost natural rationalization by the audience of the outlaw behavior that key protagonists in the series engage in in order to advance their cause.

Therefore, the gory scenes throughout the show are far more intimate in how they are consumed by the audience because the scene itself becomes a secret between the protagonist and an audience willing to rationalize and excuse the actions of the protagonist.

4. Dragons.

Dragons are the reason why I cannot take "Game of Thrones" seriously! In addition to the fact that dragons ruin any perception of distance in the land of Westeros.

5. Granted, "Game of Thrones" has not yet finished.

Nonetheless, the many faced-god is a pointless segment of the series. It kills the hype of Arya Stark dwelling amongst the Lannisters.

6. Daenerys Targaryen is literally the most boring and pointless character of the entire "Game of Thrones" series.

I almost hate her just as much as I (and every other decent person in the universe) hate Skyler White. But the reason why Daenerys Targaryen’s existence in "Game of Thrones" makes the show worse is that she's not even a meaningful character to the core plot of the show until after the fifth season — so why is she there!? I don’t know!

Perhaps this is what makes "Breaking Bad" the better show, every character and certainly every protagonist throughout the series of "Breaking Bad" helped carry the entirety of the plot of the show on their shoulders — there is no such thing as a pointless character in "Breaking Bad," each of them exist to widen the plot of the story.

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