So this week, I've learned a lot about why my family is so important; they're a little crazy and dysfunctional, but aren't all families? They're loud, they know things about you no one should know, they are always in your business. They blast TLC Sunday mornings when you're trying to sleep and they eat all your peanut butter and chocolate yogurt. But because they're family, you can't help but love them and put up with it. So here's eight reason why family is important.
1. They expand musical tastes.
I'm not kidding about the TLC. My sister goes from listening to "No Scrubs" to "All My Ex's Live in Texas." What? Like some of the songs on her playlist I have no idea what country they're from let alone what genre it is, it's safe to say I've been cultured.
2. They have puppies.
This is important because puppies are cute and if you don't like them you're not human.
3. It's always growing.
Whether it's by marriage or birth, families are always expanding, and you're always getting more. It's great. Unless you don't like people, then maybe it's not.
4. They have stories.
One of the best things about going to visit my grandmother in rural Nebraska is listening to all the stories about when my dad was kid. I love hearing them and then relaying them to my mom and dad, only to be told that I'm no longer allowed to visit with grandma. Relatives have the best dirt on other relatives, and they are all too happy to share.
5. They double as friends.
My sister wanted me to say that this only applies if you like your family, and I do. My uncles are funny and my aunt not only has great taste in shoes, but she's pretty cool too. My cousins are cute and let me baby them. The cousin who's my age knows whatever struggles face the youth of the U.S. and she lets me whine and complain. So I mean, I don't tend to dread family get-togethers.
6. They are so embarrassing.
It's literally impossible not to be embarrassed by your family. Whether it's your grammy loudly stating in a crowded restaurant that there's a cute boy, or your dad wearing 'mandals' (man sandals), they're embarrassing. But it's okay (sometimes) because she was trying to hook a sister up, and apparently, mandals are super comfy (just kidding, mandles aren't okay, ever).
7. They help you however they can.
Family likes to help, they want you to succeed and for you to do your best. They've been through the whole growing up, and having to be a real adult thing and they just want to make things easier for you. All the things that can seem like criticism can also be from a place of concern, one where they just want to see you go your best.
8. You're stuck with them.
The most important of all of these reasons why family is important. They are your blood, they're your friends, they're the people that you can't imagine a day without. Even if you're having a hard time with them, it's because there's a lot of love (you can't be mad at someone you don't care about). Family will always be there, after all, that is what makes them family.