15. Bonfires and spooky stories | The Odyssey Online
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15 Reasons Fall Is The Best Season

I mean, come on, who doesn't love fall?

15 Reasons Fall Is The Best Season
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels

I am a firm believer that fall is the superior season. Here's 15 reasons why:

1. The leaves

Kadri Vosumae / Pexels

Undeniably, fall is characterized by its vibrant leaves; their lively hues, from deep russets to vivid golds, brighten every morning when I walk to my classes. And don't lie — we all go out of our way to step on leaves just to hear the satisfying crunch. Best feeling ever.

2. Pumpkin Spice Lattes (Or pumpkin-flavored things in general)

Valeriia Miller / Pexels

I'm sure when you clicked on this article, you knew this had to be on here. Maybe it's typical, but it's also true! Whether it's a latte, a pastry, or some kind of bread, pumpkin flavored things spice up my life. Pun intended.

3. That autumn smell 

It's hard to describe, but there's an amazing smell that comes with fall. Every year on a random day in fall, a chilly breeze will sweep past and you'll smell it. The crisp, clean smell of autumn.

4. Sweater weather is finally here

Julia Avamotive / Pexels

My absolute favorite thing about fall fashion is that sweaters can finally come out. Knitted, baggy, off the shoulder, turtleneck, I could go on. My love for sweaters has no bounds.

5. Participating in (or spectating) pumpkin carving

Daisy Anderson / Pexels

I'll admit it. I'm not the biggest fan of pumpkin carving. But, I love watching other people carve pumpkins, and I especially like the end result: beautiful art and delicious roasted seeds. Yum.

6. Apple picking (and eating)

Zen Chung / Pexels

My friends and I have annual apple picking trips, and it's one of my favorite events of the year. Dress up in your favorite sweater (see above), and get ready to take pictures, have fun, and come home with a full stomach.

7. Getting lost in corn mazes

Tim Cyphers / Pexels

There's something exhilarating about the panic that comes with stumbling your way through a corn maze. In my opinion, it's even more fun when it's haunted. But the most important thing with corn mazes is that you bring a friend or two.

8. Perfection. AKA caramel apples

cottonbro / Pexels

Caramel apples are simply heaven on earth. Now, I've heard some people eat caramel apples with nuts. Personally I eat them without, but either way, they are downright delicious.

9. The perfect temperature 

The absolute worst part of summer is the unbearable heat that comes along with it. It's stifling, sweat-inducing, and honestly just plain gross. But fall? When fall swings around, the temperature is almost perfect. It's crisp, clean, and balanced. So if you are sick of summer, just wait until fall.

10. It's candle burning time

Lisa / Pexels

Fall is here, which means candles come out in full force. I am a year-round candle user, but during fall, I start to go through candles like there's no tomorrow. Not only are there superior scents during fall (cinnamon, pumpkin, apple cider, etc.), but the slight chill in the air makes fall the best season to burn candles.

At least, that's what I tell myself after I go through three candles in a week.

11. Football season *woot woot*

Jean-Daniel Francoeur / Pexels

I'm not the biggest football fan, but sometimes the excitement and enthusiasm sweeps me up and makes me a temporary fan. College football is nothing like high school football, and that's in the best way possible. Football isn't about the game, it's about the experience of going with your friends and chanting at the other team. So fan or not, go to a game and see how it is.

12. Decorations galore

Artie Siegel / Pexels

When fall starts up, everyone gets out their decorations, and it's so fun to see people's creativity. Whether it's for Halloween, Thanksgiving, or just fall in general, it's nice to see people united in excitement. It makes exam week that much less depressing.

13. Candy, candy, candy

Karolina Grabowska / Pexels

Time to break out the candy! It may be a little premature because Halloween won't be here for a few more weeks, but who says no to candy corn? Or the Halloween themed candies? Definitely not me.

14. These fall boots were definitely made for walking

Maybe I'm a little too obsessed with fall fashion, but being able to wear boots gives off such fall vibes. Not only do I feel taller, but I feel like going on an adventure. Jumping in a pile of leaves? Going apple picking? Count me in as long as I'm wearing my boots.

15. Bonfires and spooky stories

Alexandr Podvalny / Pexels

Telling spooky stories, sitting around the flames and smoke, with a s'more in hand, that's how I want to spend my weekends. It's the best feeling when you come away with chills, a serious paranoia of the woods, and the smell of smoke on your clothes. Once, there was a girl...

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