Best friends are our support system, they are our go-to people — they keep us laughing, smiling, and living. We don't necessarily need to talk to them every day or hang out every week, but when they catch up, it's like no time has passed between. No distance, time, or conflict can keep two best friends apart — in fact, they see distance as a challenge to prove to the universe they are meant to stay in touch. Here are 10 reasons why every person needs a best friend.
1. Through the good, bad and the ugly, they are our people — our go-to second opinions and moral consciences.
2. They love us despite our awkward "middle school stages," and they follow us on adventures wherever we may go, even if we seem mental.
3. They keep us laughing, whether we think we need it or not. Best friends keep us smiling and loving and show us kindness in the worst of times.
4. No boy can ever split the pair up — friendship and loyalty is deeply rooted — bringing the best of friends together through conflict and problems.
5. They support us.
6. Synchronization is their middle name — whether its similar clothing, ideas or actions — best friends are one in the same.
7. They accept your strange obsessions, clothing or crazes and you will be in your "wolf-pack" together forever.
8. They're you're shoulder to lean on, all the time.
9. They'll try and entertain you as best they can but most likely you'll end up just being bored together.
10. When in doubt, when all else fails, they are someone to have crazy spontaneous dance parties with to forget all our troubles and worries.
Best friends are extraordinary. They are the reason we smile so wide and laugh so deep. They are the reason we find small miracles and a light at the end of a tunnel.
The world is not quite as scary when you have a best friend at your side ready to conquer whatever is sent your way!