Reduce, reuse, recycle, we have all been taught this since elementary school. How many of us actually implement this in our daily lives?
1. Because sea turtles are precious and they do not deserve thisĀ
2. It is cheaperĀ
You won't be throwing your paper plates (and money) in the trash.
3. Provide a safer planet for YOUR kids
Protecting the environment will help people in many generations to come.
4. Stop harming sea creatures
Each plastic bag you throw away, it can kill as many as 1 million sea creatures annually.
5. Feel better about yourself
Because you are doing the right thing.
7. Provide a safer planet for you
Because it is the only one we have.
8. Protect widlife
There are already so many endangered species.
10. Reduce your carbon foot printĀ
By purchasing more locally grown products.
Be the person who changes the world.