Everyone is always giving us reasons why not to drink soda. "Soda is bad," they say. "It will ruin your teeth," they say. "It will make you fat," they say. "You''ll get kidney stones," they say. Well you know what? I know. But if I have one vice in this world, I'm sorry that is going to be Dr. Pepper. Why, you ask? Well, I will tell you why.
1. It's better for you, and less addictive, than smoking cigarettes.
2. It's not illegal.
3. It makes me happy.
4. It's healthier for you than diet drinks -- and alcohol.
5. This 104-year-old woman drinks three cans a day, claiming Dr. Pepper is the reason for her longevity.
6. It's less addictive, and cheaper, than gambling.
7. It keeps me alert when I need to study, or if I'm at work.
8. It is an inexpensive habit.
9. It tastes amazing.
10. It is healthier than recreational drugs.
Granted, these are not very strong reasons. But, if I'm going to partake in unhealthy living practices, I have to justify it somehow. I'd rather be fat and happy. Drink on, my Dr. Pepper-loving friends! Avoid the haters' judging glances, and don't let them judge you for living your life! Live long and stay refreshed!
"I can't do coffee, but I can do Dr. Pepper." Cher