Drinking is a natural part of college. For a lot of first-year students, the taste of alcohol is the taste of freedom. And that's fine. Everyone needs to wind down somehow. It's just not my scene.
Before I go any further, I'd like to say that I don't judge anyone who does drink. By not participating, I'm not trying to guilt you into doing the same. As long as everyone e is being safe and smart, I genuinely do not care what your drinking habits are. That's all there is to it.
The fact that I don't drink naturally comes up in conversation a fair amount. And everyone wants to know why. Quite frankly, I feel bad for not having a more interesting answer. In short, I don't want to. The long answer is equally as bland, if not a little more detailed.
I don't drink because I like being able to look out for my friends that might. Admittedly, they might not need my help. But it's more so for my peace of mind than theirs.
I don't drink because I like being in control of my actions. I am uncomfortable with the idea of my judgement being impaired. I understand that drinking doesn't always impair judgment. But it's a boundary I'd rather not push.
I don't drink because quite frankly, a lot of alcohol is kind of gross. I'm a picky eater, and life is too short for crappy beer.
I don't drink because I cannot and will not deal with hangovers. I have three younger siblings and two dogs. I already have a constant headache. I'm not adding anything else to that equation. And yeah, I don't have to drink enough to get a hangover, but we've already established that I'm not drinking for the taste either. And by that point, I'd just be drinking for appearances. And if anyone has seen me on a Monday morning, they'd know I'm not one for appearances.
I don't drink because it seems like a logical choice for me. It's an active choice, and for me personally, it wasn't a very hard one. But maybe this will help some sober soldiers out there feel like they aren't weird. You don't have to drink. You can, but you don't have to. I'm personally more of a 'board games and Sprite' kind of partier. But you do you. Drink, or don't. Just be safe, sane, and don't make other people feel bad for their choices.