Daylight Savings time ended last weekend and, while it was great to get that extra hour, which I used to procrastinate more, the time change has really messed up me and a lot of other people. It gets dark way too early now. I was OK with its getting dark around six. We're in November, we're getting close to the shortest day of the year, so, yeah, six was fine. But, dark at 5 o'clock?! That's a bit ridiculous! I'm still in class at 5:00 sometimes!
Even one of my professors got thrown off by the time change! She strolled in later than usual, still wearing her coat, looking like she just woke up. Obviously, there is no hope of this time change ever getting better. We're all doomed to be thrown off by the hour difference forever.
So, in honor of this outrageous man-made time travel, here are some common reactions to the early darkness and the time change in general.
1. Walking outside when it's bright at 7:30 a.m.
2. Walking outside and it being dark at 5:00 p.m.
3. Looking outside, thinking it's at least 11:00 p.m. and it's only 7:00...
4. Realizing that you have to go to meetings after dark.
5. Realizing that you still have to be productive after sunset.
6. When you watch the sunset in class and you realize that you still have at least 30 minutes of class left.
7. And, of course, your sleep schedule is thrown even more out of whack.
So thanks, whoever invented Daylight Savings Time, for ruining all sense of happiness and joy I might have had. This whole 5:00 sunset thing is the worst and I'm blaming you.