It's a fact that there's no dog cuter than a Corgi. Their little bodies, short legs, and adorable ears are just a few of the many qualities that make these dogs the best breed. Corgis are even the royal dog of choice, according to the Queen of England, who currently has two Corgis, but at one point had up to five. There are tons of Instagram-famous Corgis whom have thousands of followers, such as Loki the Corgi, Maki Boo (or Corginista), and Corgi siblings Gatsby and Scout. There is even an entire Instagram account dedicated to photos of Corgi butts (yes, you read that correctly). Further, there have been several "Corgi Con" events, in which Corgi owners get together in various cities (usually at the beach) and simply make every other non-Corgi owner jealous. Unfortunately, I have never been able to attend one of these events, but if there was one in my area, I would totally go just to look at the Corgis and play with them in the sand. If that's not a perfect day, I don't know what is. Just in case you need a little bit more reassurance, here are 25 reasons why Corgis are indeed the best breed.
1. Corgis' are good workout buddies.
2. They have unique talents.
Balancing is a pretty useful skill if you ask me.
3. They're adventurous.
Look at that form!
4. They provide free entertainment.
Of course, their favorite is Beethoven.
5. They can double as a small child.
For when your family asks if you're settling down anytime soon.
6. They like pizza just as much as us humans do.
7. They're easily amused.
8. They look super cute while swimming.
9. They're super loyal companions.
10. They're the best dancing partners.
Look at that booty!
11. They're excellent at sports.
12. They will probably beat you at bowling.
13. They're even more adorable when they're puppies.
14. They're the best Netflix and chill buddies.
15. They have wild dreams.
And they encourage you to ~chase~ your own.
16. They'll be your own personal alarm clock.
Never be late for class or work again!
17. They're the best road trip buddies.
18. They can fish.
Salmon or sea bass for dinner tonight?
19. They have superior hand-nose coordination.
If there was a dog Olympics, Corgis would definitely win.
20. They have good manners.
Just look at that eye contact and solid handshake!
21. They have the cutest belly flops.
Who wouldn't think this is adorable?
22. They're always down to make new friends.
23. Their style is impeccable.
The next time we'll this this Corgi is on the cover of Vogue.