Semester after semester, when the time rolls around to create my schedule for the next term, I like to think to myself, "I'm going to be successful next semester. I'm going to wake up and make it to every class and I will have all of my classes done before noon every day."
Fast forward 4 months.... here we are. I'm in bed. It's currently 7:20 am. Class at 8 am. Do I get up for class, or are there better reasons to get an extra 60 minutes of sleep?
I find myself way too often having a weekly argument with my inner voice, debating whether or not that 8 am is worth it. More days than not, the fear of missing out on extra credit or pop up quizzes drags me out of bed before I can tell myself it's not worth getting up. Then there are the days where the arguments win me over, and the conversation I have with myself often goes as follows.
"I'm only missing one class, I'll just get notes from a friend."
"Sleep deprivation will not lead me to success... so I must sleep."
*Checks course syllabus.. no attendance taken*.. "Back to bed I go."
"Does this 50 minute class on this day at this time REEEEAALLLLY matter to my future?... Nah."
As for myself, it doesn't take much convincing to keep my eyes closed for an extra 60 minutes at 8 am on a school day, and more times than none I wake up an hour later feeling an hour more rested... and also an hour behind. On the other hand, in all reality all we need is a healthy balance between structure and personal reward. A simple extra hour of sleep in exchange for missing out on an 8 AM every once in a while is enough personal reward for me.