I will be the first one to say that coconut oil is a magical thing that we have on this Earth to use. There are so many different uses for it. You can use it to cook food with, which is a healthier alternative. Coconut oil can even help whiten your teeth when you swish it around. You can use the oil to create candles. Mixing together sugar, tea tree oil and the oil creates a good face scrub. I find it better to shave my legs with coconut oil because it helps moisturize them at the same time. The oil is good in detox shakes and it can be used to help damaged skin like sunburns and chapped lips. One thing that I really appreciate coconut oil for though is how well it helps damaged hair.
How I use coconut oil for my hair is I usually -- about once a week -- lather my hair in coconut oil and then I sleep on it. I used to be worried about it getting everywhere, but it usually dries up nicely before bed so you don’t ruin your pillow. I have found that it brings moisture back into my hair because my hair tends to be on the drier side. I also believe that it helps my ends from getting too fried when using hair dryers and straighteners.
Coconut oil is also good for hair loss. My hair type is very thin, so I enjoy this benefit of putting coconut oil in my hair. You can mix coconut oil with sage leaves, lime water and gooseberries to enhance the effect. Coconut oil is good if you have dandruff because of all the fatty acids that are in coconut oil. Coconut oil can also help with lice, if you add coconut oil to your hair while combing, it can help save your hair from the damage that is being done from the lice, chemicals and thin intense combing.
Some of the other benefits for coconut oil are the fatty acids that are in the oil, like linoleic acid and lauric acid. The oil is also anti-fungal, antibacterial and has a ton of antioxidants, which can also help keep your hair healthy. Medium chain triglycerides are a major component in healthy hair, and coconut oil is loaded with them. You always want to make sure that you are getting virgin oil and a good brand as well, otherwise you’re putting unnatural, unwanted substances on your scalp.
There are different ways to apply coconut oil if you don’t want to directly apply it to your hair. You can add small amounts to your shampoo and conditioner, or even look out for specific shampoos that already have the oil in it. Adding the oil to just about anything can help even in the smallest bit.
I swear by coconut oil, and I always will. Even if the coconut oil craze is becoming mainstream, there is a reason for it. Adding this to your beauty regime will help immensely.