"Fixer Upper" is arguably the best home improvement show on HGTV. For those of you who haven't had the pleasure of watching it, the premise of "Fixer Upper" is finding the "worst house in the best neighborhood" and flipping it into a gorgeously renovated home .
Not only does "Fixer Upper" contain incredible house flips, touching stories and inspiring transformations, it also features couple of the century, Chip and Joanna Gaines. The married couple provides the perfect mixture of humor, romance and expertise that makes for perfect television. Chip and Joanna wow us with their impressive renovation skills while tugging at our heartstrings with their adorable (and hilarious) banter.
Here are 12 reasons Chip and Joanna Gaines are relationship goals..
1. Chip is the definition of a proud husband.
Chip is constantly displaying just how proud he is to have such a beautiful and talented wife. We don't blame him!
2. They celebrate each other's accomplishments.
With an ultra-successful television show, a booming renovation and real estate business and a popular design store, the Gaines are about as successful as it gets.
3. They keep it real.
Chip and Joanna are known for being laid back and down-to-Earth despite all their success. And we love them for it!
4. They know each other's insecurities.
5. They can be silly, and a little inappropriate, together.
Chip has no shortage of corny jokes and silly antics, which never seems to bother Joanna. OK, maybe sometimes they do.
6. They have each other's back.
Whether they are working on a renovation project or taking care of their four kids at home, Chip and Joanna are always supporting each other.
7. They don't take things too seriously.
Even though Chip and Joanna are highly successful business-people, they never pass up the opportunity to laugh. Watch the show (it's on Netflix) to see more of Chip's stunning facial expressions.
8. They know how to keep the romance alive.
Even after 13 years and four kids, Chip and Joanna still know how to keep the passion.
9. They're still playful.
What's work without a little play? Chip and Joanna always seem to incorporate some fun into their everyday work.
10. They compliment each other.
Most couples that work so closely might get aggravated with one another, but not Chip and Joanna. They always find the time to compliment each other for the simple things.
11. They accept each other's flaws.
12. They get on each other's nerves ... in the best possible way.
No couple is perfect, but Chip and Joanna come pretty close. Even as they juggle all of life's craziness, they continue to live a Christ-centered life balancing their family, business and personal lives. So Chip and Joanna, thanks for being our "relationship goals."