Having a childhood is one of the most important areas of life a person can have. It can show kids how to act, what to do and what not to do and so much more. I remember, as a child, playing on the swings and running around with my friends. It was one of the greatest parts of being a kid. The ability to play and use my active imagination with other kids my age. And that's not all that was great about my childhood: it showed me how to act and taught me many things.
1. It's okay to have an imagination.
Time and time again, I have discovered that one of my greatest assets is my imagination. My ability to imagine what I want to be, do and create have pushed me far in life. I owe this to my second grade teacher who taught me that having an imagination is a useful tool to have. At the time I didn't really care, but now I look back and I see what she was talking about. We as a society need to let kids express their imaginations, because it can lead to great things we have never thought of. You may be surprised by what they can create.
2. Making mistakes are a part of life.
Over and over again, I was punished for making mistakes by either an adult, myself or by my actions. If I made a mistake on a test, ran too fast and tripped, or even made a mean comment, I was grounded for it. All of these experiences have helped build a better me. Parents need to let children make mistakes. Kids need to learn from their own mistakes if we want them to become a better individual. If we always baby the child and never let them fall down than they will not learn anything from their actions. We, as the adults, need to let the child make mistakes so they know making mistakes are okay and another part of life.
3. Being nice can go a long way.
Sharing is caring, at least that's what they always told me. I didn't believe it because what was mine was mine, I didn't want to share it with anyone. However, I discovered that sharing can lead to friends and that sharing was nice to do. A kind gesture that went a long way for someone else. Children need to learn, or be taught, that being nice can make the world a better place. It can also show our children that being nice can get a lot more accomplished than being mean can.
4. Use every opportunity presented.
Every chance a child can get to be great or to get something done should be grasped. Opportunities in life are what gives us an edge on the future. It also helps build relationships with others which can lead to a better, well-rounded individual. However, if these opportunities aren't taken, the child could feel left out or sad. But again, mistakes are a part of life and if they miss one another will present itself in due time.
5. Having friendships are important.
Building and maintaining friendships from an early age is a great way to build a future. You never know what your friend will grow up to be. Today, I still have friends from my childhood that are going on to great places with their life. Even when you and your friends are no longer hanging out all day, it's okay because they will still never forget about you. You may, even, get a job opportunity or a chance to prove yourself to a future employer because your friend can vouch for you and your abilities.
6. Drama is a part of life.
Drama will always be there. From childhood to adult life, drama will always be present. Having a childhood can help children identify and adequately deal with situations. Most of those situations will have drama, of various amounts, but the child needs to know that it is okay. Drama will be everywhere and in everything they do, learning to deal with it at a young age can help them cope with the responsibilities of being mature early in life.