Honestly, among Austen fans, I've noticed Catherine getting a lot of hate, and it genuinely makes me sad. Why?
Because I am Cathy. That's just how it works.
True, she's not Lizzie Bennett. Nor is she Elinor Dashwood. She may be silly, scatterbrained, and let her imagination run away with her to the point of ridiculous accusations. But Catherine is someone I believe we should all relate to, or aspire to be like. In spite of all her flaws, there are many positive aspects to Catherine that I believe should get highlighted.
(Disclaimer: This refers to both the book and the film.)
1. She's actually a realistic teenager.
Remember she's only eighteen. She can afford to keep a little bit of the silliness for a while longer.
2. She manages to keep her innocence.
3. She reads. Voraciously.
4. That imagination isn't always a bad thing.
Occasionally, it can actually be rather entertaining.
5. Even when she's knocked down, she manages to keep her ideals.
I swear, the woman has the forgiveness abilities of a puppy.
6. She knows from the start that she has no interest in Mr. Thorpe.
That is not the face of interest. That is the face of intrigue, yes, but merely at the fact that he should be staring at them. She is not flattered. She's shocked.
7. She's legitimately kind to everyone.
Even cranky old General Tilney. (If I were to rant about him, we'd be here all day.)
8. She's devoted to her brother and the Allens.
Even when Mrs. Allen's standard of judging a man is his knowledge of muslin. (I mean, she's not wrong.)
9. She isn't afraid to tell Isabella what's what.
Around when Isabella thinks Catherine and her brother are engaged is when we see fiery Catherine come out, and it's wonderful.
10. She's quick to defend Eleanor and Henry.
I mean, they're easily the best friends she's made in a while.
11. Speaking of... she manages to marry Henry Tilney.
The girl is doing something right with her life.
12. And finally... she can occasionally be sassy.
And now, for your personal pleasure, a moment of Mr. Tilney appreciation.
Hers is the only proper response.