Reasons To Be Happy | The Odyssey Online
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Reasons To Be Happy

It's the little things in life.

Reasons To Be Happy

Life gets busy, complicated, and hard sometimes. Everyone goes through phases where nothing seems to go right. Whether you're in one of those slumps or unbelievably happy with life, here are some reminders of why the little things in life are the best things.

  • The smell when it rains
  • Wearing shorts after a long winter
  • Oranges make the whole room smell great
  • When your favorite song comes on the radio
  • Returning home after traveling for a while
  • Unexpectedly seeing your best friend in public
  • Puppy cuddles
  • Kitten cuddles
  • All cuddles
  • Working out and not dying
  • Cookies fresh out of the oven
  • Really starry nights
  • Coffee
  • Thanksgiving dinner
  • A perfectly clean room
  • Fuzzy socks
  • When your favorite sports team wins
  • Wearing new clothes for the first time
  • Beaches
  • Backyard BBQ's
  • Finding someone who has something unusual in common with you
  • Driving fast down a backroad
  • Visiting somewhere new
  • Mountains
  • Lazy Sundays
  • Putting on sweatpants after wearing uncomfortable dress clothes
  • Ice cold water
  • The first snow of the year
  • Learning something new
  • Good hair days
  • 24-hour breakfast diners
  • Wildflowers
  • Sunrises and sunsets
  • Chicken wings
  • Being so excited you can't sleep
  • Rollercoasters
  • Bakeries
  • Pinky promises
  • Board games
  • Laughing so hard you can't finish your own joke
  • Ice cream
  • Soft blankets
  • The sound of waves crashing
  • Finding unbroken seashells
  • Popsicles
  • Bubble wrap
  • Baseball season
  • Fruit
  • Big full moons
  • Old childhood TV shows and movies
  • The feeling in your stomach when an airplane first takes off
  • Waterslides
  • Aquariums
  • Farmer's markets
  • Concerts
  • Cookie dough
  • Rainforests
  • Taking a picture that you look good in
  • Clean sheets
  • Walking barefoot in the grass
  • Butterflies in your stomach
  • Compliments from strangers
  • Smoothies
  • Being on time
  • Snow globes
  • Feeling pretty
  • Pet stores
  • New books
  • Lemonade in the summer
  • Sleeping in on the weekends
  • Football season
  • Looking through old photos
  • Hot tea
  • Watermelons
  • Long drives
  • Whiffleball games
  • Coloring books
  • Really cool graffiti
  • Cake batter
  • The butterfly effect
  • Hot chocolate on a cold day
  • Bike rides
  • The county fair
  • Winter hats with a pom-pom on them
  • Pasta
  • Movie marathons
  • Warm clothes right out of the dryer
  • Oversized T-shirts
  • Scrunchies
  • Big, comfy, recliner chairs
  • Newly sharpened pencils
  • Pizza parties
  • Christmastime
  • Rollerskating
  • Waking up in a warm bed in a slightly chilly room
  • Chubby babies
  • Long walks
  • Cheesecake
  • Sunflowers
  • Disney princess movies
  • Freshly baked homemade bread
  • New shoes
  • Running to the car to claim the shotgun seat
  • Having exact change
  • Blowing bubbles
  • Dill pickles
  • Wood-burning fireplaces
  • Bath bombs
  • Shooting stars

When life gets tough, just remember the little victories and blessings.

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