I was scrolling through Facebook the other day when I came across a comment on a post about healthcare reforms that caught my eye. The entirety of the reply and comments responding to it were arguing about who was to blame for the way the “current generation” had turned out. What I found a little pent up frustration with wasn’t the argument of who we should blame, but why we are acknowledging the millennial generation as substandard at all. While I of course am bias, seeing as I was born in the late '90s and do not have previous experience in other generations (my time machine isn’t ready yet), I feel it is my emblematic duty to deflate the stereotypes of a lethargic, uneducated and unprincipled group of individuals. Often, we are unnecessarily labeled as the hopeless age group. I’m here to help everyone see the reasons why we are more than capable of greatness and why we do deserve respect.
1. Multitasking
Everyone blames millennials for their lazy nature when really, we have many more inputs to manage. Think about it. We are the multitasking generation. We have to be really good at a lot of outlets. Not only do we have schooling and home life to worry about, but a vast arrays of social media to update and explore. Most argue social media is just a distraction from the finer things in life. The children and teenagers that were raised in the digital age learned social skills and relationships behind a computer screen, so you cannot blame us for trying to stay up to date with the latest happenings or trends. Like it or not, technology is the central source of communication with one another. If older generations don’t like it, they shouldn’t have developed the technology and sold it to the masses. We also have more equal opportunity in terms of sports and the arts. With more choices comes more expectations and responsibility. There are a million and one people and places fighting for undivided attention. In simple terms, we are expected to participate in a lot and be outstanding in each activity. That’s a lot of pressure on a hormonal teenager who really should just be thinking about which dress looks best for freshman homecoming. Many props should be given to millennials for just managing sanity.
2. Education
Needless to say, the education game has changed as well. To find a good, high quality job, today’s graduates need to throw themselves through an extensive amount of often burning hoops. First, a job, if not two, is all but necessary to help pay for the cost of higher education, or at least save up to pay off your future debt. A bachelor’s degree might have been an achievement in the past, but is only an average accomplishment in the minds of today’s educators. Employers, as well as parents, have said to me numerous times that in order to get a solid job in most fields, master's and doctorate degrees are the way to go. This means more years in school, more money being spent and a lot more work being done. The word "laziness" should never define this generation as a whole.
3. Relationships
Relationships are not lacking in love. This has been a complaint of mine for years. Just because we are communicating and sending passionate notes through a phone doesn’t make it any less meaningful or romantic. Also, relationships that last the test of time have to fight against a multitude of temptations that are easily accessible. Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat can be used for moral things, but also can help foster cheating. Not to mention trying to figure out the meaning behind the emojis people send you. I have admiration for the strong bonds people can form in today’s world despite the oppositional plagues from society and I hope you do too.
I’m not asking for a pity party. On the contrary, I’m asking on behalf of people my age who are frustrated with being ridden off as not good enough, to have understanding for the millennial situation. Change is inevitable. So before you go around thinking all we do is play video games and watch Netflix, understand that we are capable of bringing a lot of creativity, hard work and culture to the world around us.