11 Reasons Why You Should Adopt An Animal From A Shelter Instead Of Buying From A Breeder | The Odyssey Online
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11 Reasons Why You Should Adopt An Animal From A Shelter Instead Of Buying From A Breeder

My best friend happens to be covered in fur.

11 Reasons Why You Should Adopt An Animal From A Shelter Instead Of Buying From A Breeder
Ariel Whatley

Adopting from an animal shelter is the best decision you could ever make. If you are on the fence, this is the list for you!

1. They are the sweetest animals

I adopted Chloe from the ASPCA. She loves to be around me, even if it is on a smelly foot.

2. They are thankful for everything you do for them

Chloe can be described as uh... pleasantly plump. Since she can't jump onto my bed, I took the drawer out from under my bed and put a blanket for her. She loves it!

3. Shelter animals just want attention

I go to the Pike Animal Shelter once a week to volunteer. The cats just want to be loved on and the puppies want to lick you all over! No matter which one you choose, it will ALWAYS love you.

4. Your adopted fur baby will become your best friend

Chloe truly misses me when I am away. We spend a lot of time together when I am home and she really is my best friend. She doesn't judge me if I decide to eat half a bag of Doritos and binge watch Once Upon a Time on Netflix.

5. They do the funniest things

Our dog, Luckie, get along really well surprisingly. They want to be covered up when they nap on the couch. We say that they are humans trapped in cat and dog bodies.

6. The adoption fee is nothing compared to the memories you'll make

I had left this pillow on the floor for about five minutes before she found it. It is now her pillow.

7. You'll never have to worry about needing a boy/girlfriend for cuddles

This is my favorite face to wake up to. Your furry best friend will cuddle you no matter what and they will stick around through thick and thin. No more worrying about commitment issues with a cat or dog.

8. Being alone is not an option anymore, no matter the scene

Dinner, naps, or even in the bathroom, you are NEVER alone. Your new best friend will follow you wherever you go! This photo happened to be in the bathroom where I was trying to get ready for school.

9. Some animals at shelters have only known hate, bring some love to them

This poor dog sits in the back of the cage keeping his distance from those who try to help. This baby knew nothing about love and came to the Pike Animal Shelter to hopefully find a person who would care for him.

10. You are saving a life

These sweet babies came into Pike Animal Shelter covered in fleas. Their lives were saved from the kindness of this shelter and their volunteers. You can also save a life by taking a sweet dog or cat home.

11. Always lots of love

Any animal you decide to adopt will love you. The day you take them home will be the happiest and every day after will be amazing.

There are hundreds of more reasons why you should adopt your pet. I understand there are people who live in places where animals are not welcome and that is okay. You can be a helpful part of an animal's life. Some of those include volunteering or donating at your local shelter. Shelters are always in need of help or supplies.

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