Every New Year's after midnight, I scroll through my social media to find photos of couples kissing at midnight or my super single friends kissing their drink instead. The next day, I scroll through seeing everyone announcing or starting their New Year's Resolutions. Gyms are full, detoxes are started, kitchens are cleaned out, money is budgeted, cigarettes are thrown out, plans are made to travel the world, etc. I give a huge round of applause to those who continue these resolutions through January; that's very rare. I give a high five to those who carry those resolutions through the rest of the year and maybe through the rest of their life. But let me be real here: MOST people do not even make it out of January with their resolutions because it's too much commitment or they were completely unrealistic in the first place. I'm here to help solve that problem. Below is a list of more achievable, realistic (and some are even quite amusing) New Year's Resolutions! Enjoy :)
1. Fill your gas tank the entire way up.
$15-20 tank fillers, this is for you.
2. Don't stalk your favorite celebrity on social media.
Yes I know it's tempting... So set the resolution to resisting at least twice.
3. Put your clothes in the dirty clothes basket...
4. Write 2017 instead of 2016 on your papers.
Don't be that person stuck in the past. (;
5. Stop picking your nose.
People can see you. Stop that.
6. Come up with better excuses when you're "not available".
Everyone is starting to see right through you. Your Aunt Lorain can't die and come back to life THAT many times.
7. Use less filters on your selfies.
Yes basic white girl, I'm talking to you. We all know you don't actually look like that in person.
8. Recycle
Seriously, it's not that hard to have a separate bin to put recyclables in. Take that extra step at the coffee shop and put your paper in the recycling bin, you jack wagon.
9. Figure out why you still have so many email addresses.
You need one... two TOPS.
10. Keep your drama off of social media (PLEASE).
Subtweeting about your boyfriend is obvious and petty. Knock that off.
Also, make sure to replace your blinker fluid often. :)
12. Chew with your mouth closed.
I promise, it drives people NUTS.
13. Don't talk on the phone when you're checking out.
It's rude, and I'm not sure why half of the population hasn't figured that out yet.
14. Pet more animals!
I see this everywhere and couldn't resist. And it's very therapeutic.