Most millennials (or most I know, at least) love to go out for more than just a drink or two. And we don't even have to go out to be drinking - we can be studying two glasses of wine deep or watching The Bachelorette with a bottle each. Whenever there's a millennial shindig, you know alcohol is the first to the party.
I think the reason for this is fairly simple. Since we all grew up communicating with each other through the internet and social media, there can be a real disconnect when we communicate in person due to micro-anxieties. Alcohol bridges the gap and makes us feel less awkward when having to hold a conversation face-to-face.
This may just be my theory, but it seems logical to me.
Also, younger generations now have social media at their fingertips with tons of pictures and videos of 20-somethings partying and having a good time. I imagine this makes those behind the screen feel left out, making them want to join in on the fun themselves. We also have access to content and reality shows depicting the celebrities we look up to drinking and having a good time.
It all seems like fun and games, but it can be a dangerous culture. I've always enjoyed having a drink or two (or three) on the weekends, but I definitely have found myself drinking more regularly since being in college where I'm surrounded by 60,000 millennials and live about several bars and even a boozy Taco Bell. Maybe it's my fault, maybe it's environmental. Who knows?
But I do know that millennials, myself included, seem to love alcohol a little more than most. However, it could just be that I'm currently in the middle of it - maybe all generations love their liquid courage just as much as us.