Everyone has a best friend or a form of a best friend. Wether it's at home, or at school we have one. you can know each other for years or for even months, they are still your person/people there are many reasons why you keep this person or people around. And it not just for the company or the good times.
1. They are someone that will tell you if you are making the right choice when it come to a stick situation.
Wether you want to go out and do something a little risky, or you need guy advice you run it by them. We all know this situation and some others are is not something you can ask your parents advice for so you go to the next best thing. They will either tell you that it's not to bad of an idea that you'll be fine, or they'll be your escape route when things go south. Either why they will have your back.
2. Someone you can ugly cry to and won't be judged (maybe just a little).
Ugly crying is no ordinary crying, it's the when life gets to heavy on your shoulders, your plate is too full, your cup is overflowing kind of cry. The kind of cry that makes you sob for an hour over nothing and everything at the same time. Where you need to talk things through and you can't make the sounds of your sobs into words kind of cry. And no better person to go to when needed to ugly cry then your best friend who will give you tissues, and try to talk to you while your crying. The one person who will try not to laugh because of how ugly you look while you're crying, and will give you food and a big hug when it's all done and over with.
3. Someone who is down for everything and anything when it comes to hanging out.
From laying in bed all day and watching Netflix, to going to the gym at 12:30 a.m. and everything in between. As long as your with each other, having a good time and joking around it doesn't matter what you're doing together. But you know your favorite activity while hang out together is eating.
4. Someone to be your lesbian lover when weird guys hit on you while you're out together.
When the one guy you don't want hitting on you hits on you , when the one guy that is hitting on you is being way too forward, or you or your best friend are too intoxicated to make a good enough judgement call. You or her step in and tell them to back off, that you're together and flee ASAP.
5. Someone who has your back no matter what you do.
Wether you make a stupid remark, or just do something plain stupid. They will look at you funny but will still be there for. From being the person to hold your heels while you decide you want to go run around barefoot after a party or holding your hair at the end of the night because you didn't listen to them when they told you stop drinking (I've been the hair holder, it's no fun). But they will have a bottle of water ready for you when you need it. Along with a bottle of Advil for you when you wake up in the morning. Along with having you're back and to make sure to call you stupid when you make a stupid choice based off the opinion of the guy you are with for the moment.
No matter what life throws are you, and what you need through out life, as long as you have your person or people you can get through any situation, non-tragic tragic moments, adventures, guy experiences, or just good/ bad life choices.