Many news reporters have called this year's election "historic." This election is considered to be monumental largely due to the unique nature of both presidential candidates, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.
If Clinton wins the election, she will become the first female president. If Trump becomes president, he will be the oldest person to hold the position in decades. Both candidates won their party's nomination after beating out competitors who had widespread support. Clinton defeated Bernie Sanders, who captured the hearts and attention of many millennials. Trump became the Republican nominee instead of several seasoned and well respected politicians.
Americans have found if difficult to choose which presidential candidate to support because both Trump and Clinton have imperfect reputations and unique problems. Clinton has been called "crooked" and deceitful due partly to the information found in the recent Wiki Leaks. Trump has been criticized for being too emotional and sarcastic. Clinton has been in the political realm for years, but has not performed well in all of her offices, including Secretary of State. Trump has created a relatively successful business empire, but has never held a political position. Throughout the past few weeks many have questioned whether either one of these two candidates will be able to handle the pressures and responsibilities of being president.
Whichever controversial candidate wins this year's "historic" election, all Christians can have hope knowing that God is sovereign.
Because God is sovereign, he is ultimately in control of every situation and thing. He created every inch of the universe. "Everything in heaven and earth is his," and he has dominion over all of it (1 Chronicles 29:11-12).
It is reassuring that God is sovereign and not us. The Lord is wiser than any man, and his plans and direction for everyone in the world are unfathomable and unlike anything we could ever imagine. His "ways are higher than our ways" and his "thoughts are higher than our thoughts" (Isaiah 55:8-9).
Because God's perspective is different than ours, sometimes it is difficult to understand why God allows certain things to happen, such as a controversial election. In every trying situation, never forget that God is "good" and "perfect in all of his ways" (Chris Tomlin). When we begin to doubt God's judgment, we need to adopt the trusting attitude of Abraham. When Abraham's wife, Sarah, was barren, God promised him that his descendants would outnumber the stars. After God caused Sarah to become pregnant and give birth to Isaac, he asked Abraham to sacrifice his young son. Abraham had initially believed that Isaac would be the first of his many descendants, but prepared Isaac to be sacrificed anyway. He knew that God'a plans were greater than his own. God saw Abraham's willingness to trust him even in a difficult, puzzling situation and spared Isaac's life.
If you are confused this week when the election results are announced, adopt Abraham's attitude and do not become worried or anxious about the future. "Trust in the Lord and lean not on your own understanding" (Proverbs 3:5). The Lord will continue to be wise and sovereign even after this "historic" election is over and that is a great reason for hope.