The Many Reasons Why You'll Miss West Virginia If You Leave
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The Many Reasons Why You'll Miss West Virginia If You Leave

Everyone talks about leaving, but here is what you'll miss if you go.

The Many Reasons Why You'll Miss West Virginia If You Leave
Kamie Allen

It's no surprise, with the current economy here, why so many people are striving to leave the mountains of West Virginia behind. I grew up in a small town, in Gilbert, West Virginia, where coal mining was a way of life. I say "was" with the greatest sadness I've ever felt before. Our once booming town has now become a desolate, ghost-like town. I can remember weekends when it was bumper to bumper traffic trying to get around, but now there are only a few souls left to wander the streets. It is heartbreaking to see what the closure of the coal mines had done to my small town and other towns like it in our state. I know many people have already packed their bags and moved away in hopes of finding a prosperous job and a new life for their family. Others are left behind to wonder when, and if, this will be their last year in West Virginia as the coal mines close down one by one. No matter if you have to leave, or plan to leave, you will miss West Virginia when you go. Here are just a few reasons why:

You can't beat these gorgeous mountain views. I've had the ultimate pleasure of traveling to many places in my 26 years. Most recently, my Husband and I were able to travel out to Colorado. While the view of the Rocky Mountains was completely breathtaking, my heart still longed for the green, tree-covered mountain sides of my West Virginia home. I now live in Daniels, West Virginia where we have the New River Gorge right in our backyard. We can travel just 30 minutes up the road and be on top of a mountain that gives you the most grandiose view of the New River Gorge Bridge. Even though the economy has left our state in utter disarray, one thing has remained the same, and that is the beauty of our Mountain Momma. Every single inch of this state is absolutely gorgeous. Sure, there are places that are more beautiful than others, but even those places have their own kind of beauty. I once wrote an article about different places to visit in West Virginia during the fall time. I told about such places as Blackwater Falls State Park, Grandview State Park, Cass Scenic Railroad, and more. I had a woman comment on this article saying that she was absolutely amazed that such beautiful places existed and that the article made her want to visit West Virginia to see these gorgeous views. It made me swell up with pride knowing that I had shown someone else just how beautiful and breathtaking our state is. You can move anywhere in the world, but you'll never have a view quite like these West Virginia mountains.

You'll miss the lazy, slow-paced day-to-day life. Growing up in a small town in West Virginia was one of the most simple things I've experienced in life. The every day was just simple, for lack of a better word. It was peaceful. It was magical. I've traveled to New York City on different occasions, and the fast-paced environment left me breathless. I could never imagine living in that type of world. I am so used to the slow way of life here in the mountains. I do not say "slow way of life" with any sort of disdain, but with the greatest amount of appreciation. I think I am blessed to have grown up in these mountains. I think the simplicity of living in West Virginia has made me into the person that I am today. I am able to enjoy every single moment of my life. I breathe it in deeply and let it out very slowly. I feel that this could not be obtained in a fast paced environment, but I'm sure people who live in that world would argue with me. But in my defense, they've never known this simple life in West Virginia. Living in West Virginia is like a breath of fresh air in a world full of disaster at every corner.

You will never live in a state that has more pride. One of the things I love most about West Virginia is the pride that we have for our beautiful state. Although it is no secret that we are behind in almost every way. Our education system is dead last out of every state in the United States, but yet we fight on in hopes of a better tomorrow for our students. This is the same in every field, in every town, and in every home. We may not be the best, but we will continue to fight on for a better tomorrow here in these mountains. That is where the pride of being a West Virginian comes in. You can't go anywhere in this state without seeing a Mountaineers shirt. Nor can you go anywhere without seeing a business that is dedicated to remaining "local" to keep our state prosperous. There is a certain level of pride that comes with living in this state, and I am proud to be a part of it. I am proud to be from a state where we do not give up when we are knocked down. Very recently, in June of 2016, we experienced treacherous flash floods that left parts of our state completely devastated. Instead of giving up, we all banded together. We began fundraisers to help the victims. We began taking up donations to provide items to those families who had lost everything. We stood together when something tried to tear us apart. I think that is one of the most beautiful things about West Virginia. I think it only fitting to insert this famous quote said by our late president John F. Kennedy, "The sun doesn't always shine in West Virginia, but the people always do." I'm proud to say I am from West Virginia, and if you leave this state behind, you will miss feeling that pride.

I'm interested in hearing your reasons why you would miss West Virginia if you were to go.

*Disclaimer: This article was written to show the true beauty of being a West Virginian, and why we would all miss it if we were to leave. I do not judge anyone who has had to leave this state in search of jobs or a better life for your family.*

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