As the typical question that is usually asked to successful beings are what their inspirations came from. The audience is curious and those who are wanting to follow that prosperous footsteps are also wanting to know. I won't lie: I'm one of those unknown named writers who want to be pretty big herself but honestly, my reason for writing is nothing compared to Geoffrey Chaucer's reason for writing one of my all time favorite books "The Canterbury Tales."
Living in New York City, it's obvious to say that it is one of the busiest cities in the world. Everyone is either running to work or working as they're running because the infamous saying "work harder, play harder" is a mindset majority of the New Yorkers believe in. However, many do not realize the number of people who actually don't work. It can be surprising since this location is overpopulated but it is true.
As a New Yorker herself who works an immense amount more than she rests, the transit is a source that I heavily depend on to get to my jobs. Every morning as I'm on the train on my way to one of my jobs, I always spot at least one person who isn't on his or her phone and bluntly stares at people. These group of people usually tend to be old aged immigrants who has been long time residences of New York City and are not able to speak English at all. It's odd to see these people have the access to take public transportation to their destination, ride it back, and live a life where they have absolutely no responsibility and meaning. How are they able to carry themselves as human beings who have no agenda to support society? Does it not bother them that their behavior versus a dead body is no different? Similarly, this can be seen by those who work careers that they have no passion for and have no desire to move up to their actual goals.
I have a couple of friends who work jobs they absolutely hate but find themselves stuck in the position to stay in it. The fact that they are not capable to find a better alternative to their current situation is sad and embarrassing to call them my friends.
If someone was to ask me what my reason/s is/are for writing, it would be particularly about how I compare myself to that specific community. As modern human beings, we are formed to always better ourselves so we can not just benefit ourselves but benefit the population as a whole. I can say that writing has always been part of me and now with years of doing it, I could say that I have experience but the fear of being idle can be a bigger reason behind my reason. It scares me to not occupy my mind with challenges and different methods because I might turn out like those group of people. At times, I think I say this about myself because I am true New Yorker.
I'm always rushing to work, sleeping a short amount of hours, working every single minute I have, not eating enough, or pressuring myself to be the best due to the increase of competition here. With writing, I have become somewhat sane with my anxiety and learned habits about myself that I wouldn't have realized without the words put out there.
Whatever my reason for writing became my main aspect of myself, I would never be as good as Chaucer.