This past Wednesday, world renowned supermodel, Tyra Banks, decided to post a no-makeup, unfiltered selfie on Instagram for her followers. Tyra has always been a huge fan of natural beauty despite being a model. In the past, she has revealed her natural hair on her television talk show, and occasionally went without makeup in public. In the photo she posted on Instagram, the caption stated that the self portrait is the "really real" version of herself.
"You know how people say #nofilter but you know there's a freaking filter on their pic? Or maybe there's a smidge of retouching going on, but they're lying and saying it's all raw and real? Well, this morn, I decided to give you a taste of the really real me. I wanted to smooth out my dark circles so badly! But I was like, "Naw, Ty. Show 'em the REAL you." So, here I am. Raw. And there YOU are, looking at me, studying this picture. Maybe you're thinking, 'Whoa, she looks ROUGH.' And if you are, great! You deserve to see the REAL me. The REALLY real me. #RawAndReal," the 40-year-old wrote.
The following day, she posted another selfie, embracing herself with a face of makeup, by kissing her reflection. The caption stated, "Yesterday, I woke up and felt like showing you the me you deserved to see. #RawAndReal. Today, I want to continue to keep it real. Why? Because we all know I don't walk around looking like the bare-faced photo I posted yesterday. Almost every day I rock mascara, blush up my cheeks, and throw concealer on those damn dark circles under my eyes I was so tempted to touch up on my raw pic yesterday. The painted face you're looking at right now, THIS is REALLY me, too. Is it raw? Heck no! Is it real? The jury's out on that, but I say yeah. I know what you're thinking. "What???!!!" It's real because I'm keeping it REAL by admitting I need to put stuff on my face to look like a supermodel. (Add a lil' retouching and Wham, the final look is complete!) Yeah, I wished I woke up looking flawless, but that just aint me. Not at all. And I'm not ashamed to admit it. None of us should be. #RougeAndReal."
Wearing makeup is a beautiful thing, but rocking a natural face is just as beautiful. There's nothing wrong with wearing a natural face once in a while in public just so others can see the beauty you're wearing underneath the makeup. With all of the new makeup tools and techniques, we tend to rely on makeup to make us look beautiful and build our confidence, while forgetting to embrace our natural characteristics. With the media constantly criticizing Banks as she embraces her natural beauty and body, it does not seem as though she cares about what anyone else has to say. Therefore, if a supermodel can ignore the comments made about her appearance, I am sure that we all can. So, always love yourself before depending on others to do so for you.