Often times, young people, especially, are always worried about what our next move is. We feel as though we have to be established at a young age, never stopping to think about all of the great things that we accomplish on a day to day basis. The fact that we even get up and go is a lot, there are tons of people who sit around and do nothing. It is important to just take the time to give yourself a pat on the back for being the bomb.com
I think people tend to downplay the good things that they do because we're taught that showing off is negative. Being excited about getting a new job, or achieving a new goal is not showing off, though. It's simply congratulating yourself, and if people are down for you, they will be happy for you as well. People are also afraid that if they continue to be great that people will never expect them to fail. Other people's goals and aspirations for you do not matter. Set your own goals, work towards them every day, and in due time, they will happen. Don't think of people having high expectations for you as a negative thing. Instead, think of it as a compliment, you've done so well in life thus far that others are taking notice.
I'm not saying that you shouldn't be humble about your accomplishments, but you shouldn't pretend like they didn't happen. You work hard, and you should reward yourself. It's perfectly okay to treat yourself to something special for being great. A lot of times people consider being proud of yourself as being cocky or bragging, but it's completely different. Cocky people tend to downplay others accomplishments while lifting up their own. They only care when they do something good. Whereas being proud of yourself is acknowledging the fact that you did something good, and always striving to do better. If you're not proud of yourself then who else will be?
Young people constantly have so much pressure on them to be the next generation, changing the world. Day by day we're always achieving greatness, and we immediately move on to our next goal. Let's challenge ourselves to just stop for two seconds, and say, "Hey, I'm pretty amazing"