It's finally here, today is officially the beginning of the end. After this Friday, I will never experience a high school class or environment again. Normally this thought would make me happy, but instead, it's caused me to do nothing but reminisce, and realize that I will actually miss high school and the amazing friends I have made here. Just last week I was wishing this day would come.
In the midst of these four years, it felt like a lifetime, but now, suddenly it feels like those years just went by in an instant.
I'm finally learning how to make each day here count, although I only have a few. Below are the things I've come to realize with only four days left of high school.
Why did I wish away my senior year?
I'm sitting at my desk writing this article on my last Monday morning of high school. My head is filled with nothing but mixed emotions. I'm beyond excited for college, but I'm coming to realize that I will miss dreaded Mondays like this. Back in September, all I could think about was this day and how badly I wanted it to come. Now that it's finally here, I want nothing more than to go back in time and tell myself to enjoy the present. Yes, I cannot wait for college. How could I leave my friends and school I've been at for so long so easily behind? My senior year of high school was undoubtedly the best year of my life (so far). Although I really did enjoy it, I wish I could've lived more in the moment and not worry skipping to college or summer. To any underclassmen reading this, I mean this with all of my heart, please do your best to truly enjoy high school. Whatever you may think right now, you will miss it.
Despite What I Thought, I WILL Miss My Teachers.
My teachers have become like second parents to me. I reach out to them whenever I am in trouble or need help, and they've always been there for me. I will truly miss the comfort and companionship the faculty gives us and the sense of community it provides.
It's Really Never Too Late To Make New Friends.
Starting freshman year already with my own friend group, I was extremely closed off to and even judgmental of others in my grade — I regret this more than anything. Aside from having my friends who I've been through it all with, my last year in high school was different. My senior year I reached out and became close with my entire grade. I really got to know all of them, and I value all of my relationships with them. I made so many new friends that I really, really wish I would've spent time with to sooner. Every person at my school is unique and friendly in their own way, and I will miss every single one of them.
I Love My School.
From fifth grade to senior year, it's hard leaving my "bubble" that I've been in for so long. From many bad times to so many good times, I couldn't imagine having gone anywhere else. I'll especially miss moments like my free periods, on sunny days with my friends, spent laying out on the quad blasting good music and having a great time. I love my school and I am blessed to have spent an amazing eight years here.
High School Relationships Are Really Funny.
I mean this with absolutely no disrespect to high school couples whatsoever. For the most part, I find high school couples both genuine and most adorable. However, I can't do anything but laugh when I think about my "relationships" over the years — everything about them is just flat out humorous. Truthfully, I wish I wouldn't have wasted my time, energy, and emotions on boyfriends and relationships. If I could go back, I would spend my time with my friends and family; having fun, not worrying about who likes who, he said she said, etc.
If you want a quick laugh: Below is a picture of a "boyfriend" I had this year...for an entire week. But don't worry, I had his permission to write this, and even after the devastatingly awkward "break up," we remain extremely close friends.
Be Yourself — And Don't Take Yourself Too Seriously.
Being "popular" or "cool" is not everything. You do not need to have the largest amount friends, materialistic objects, or anything of the sort to make yourself happy. It's very important to have a head on your shoulders, to be yourself, and most importantly surround yourself with good people who make you feel loved. It's better to have one truly good friend than ten poor ones. Be yourself and do what makes you happy, because people will love you anyway and accept you for who you are. Don't change yourself for approval of others, because just like you shouldn't be judging others, people should not be judging you. Do not be afraid to be yourself and have fun. It's your senior year, its time to let loose and have a good time. Don't be afraid to joke around, and it's okay to miss a night of studying to go to a school basketball or football game. It's been a long four years, and you deserve that break. Senior year is a time for working hard and getting into college. It's certainly not a time for slacking off, but it wouldn't be your senior year if you weren't having a good time, joking around, and having actual fun.
Everything Happens For A Reason, And I Don't Regret A Thing.
That friend you stopped speaking to? That is the reason you made new friends that you are now thankful for, and that never would've happened without the previous event. That class or test you failed sophomore year? If that didn't happen, maybe you would've never been as motivated as you are now. I've also learned not to regret things that made me happy at the time. Everything I've done and been through is the reason I am where I am today, so no, I regret nothing.
Mend Broken Ties
"I'm never going to see them again so I don't care and it doesn't matter anymore." We've all had some kind of thought similar to this in our head. I get it. You've been with the same people for four entire years, sometimes people just don't get along or get fed up with each other. My only response to this kind of behavior is DO NOT BURN BRIDGES!! Can telling someone what bothers you help a situation? Yes. However, it is possible to solve drama by talking things out without creating bad blood. It's best to at least stay civil and not break ties, you don't want to end your year with those kind of bad vibes. At the end of the day loving and appreciating your community as a whole will make your high school experience have been more worthwhile. Trust me, be thankful for the people in your class. It's best to end things on a good note, not only for others but for yourself. I've realized its important to heal your broken relationships before you go to college.
I'll Simply Just Miss Everything.
I will miss everything about high school. Thinking about all the times I've stayed up late cramming for that horrible test I had the next day, or a stupid fight with a friend (which I considered life threatening at the time), or anything else — none of these small "bad" pieces compare to the amazing memories I've made in high school. When I look back on my past four years here, I only remember the good times. Everything (both the bad and the good) I experienced in high school just contributes to how much I will miss my time spent here. I will miss seeing those certain people, early in the morning, that put the biggest smile on my face for absolutely no reason. Even my worst, most boring classes that I fool around in with my friends, which makes the teachers angry, but we knew they'd still miss us anyways.
I will miss all of it. I realized that I've come to love the my class more than anything, and I wish them nothing but the best of luck for the years to come. I know just like how they make me happy, they'll all be bringing that same joy to others in schools all over the country — and every single one of you will kill it.