My first mission trip.
My church began going on this mission trip to the Dominican Republic. The Dominican Republic is very beautiful and very poor. Most of the people there are catholic and don't really know Jesus. My church had been multiple times prior to my first trip. I asked Jesus to give me a sigh if he wanted me to go. That same day, this song about missions kept playing over and over... and OVER. I knew it was obviously him. That year, it just didn't work out. A few years had passed, and Jesus told me one day just go. Just go and trust him in that yes. I was scared and excited all at the same time. Was I to dare to get my hopes up? I told Jesus, "Okay, I'll say yes, but you will have to make a way." I honestly didn't have the money for the trip. I began praying that he would help send me there.
It was the day before the deadline date. This was the date saying yes I'm going, or no I'm not. That same day, someone called me out of the blue. "Hey, I just feel lead to pay for your entire trip". I freaked out! Then, I began to find out details, I found out that we were leaving on the day of my birthday!!!!! AHH I love the heart of the father!
What I began to realize.
When I was there, I learned that when teams come in, they do not know what the last team had done or tried to put down as a foundation. They don't know what they taught, or anything. It's like a cycle of the same stuff. Some people in the DR were mature in their walk with Jesus, but many were baby Christians. I believe that when these teams come in, they can only scratch the surface of huge issues. Because there was not much consistency, it is an unhealthy spiritual walk. I walk to be a long- term missionary to help create disciples with a firm foundation, to raise up an army for God. When our bus came down the bumpy dirt road, we saw all the kids running beside the bus. They were so excited to see us. They grow tight relationships very fast. I can't imagine what it's like to rapidly make new friends, then have them leave. I remember this one girl, she was very protective of me. She became very close to me and didn't want any other kid to even hold my hand. I want to be a long-term missionary to love how Jesus would love them. I want to be there for them, to help them get to the root of issues. I want to be there for them in faithfulness just how Jesus would.
What qualifies someone to be a missionary?
This is a tricky thing. The bible says at the end of Matthew to go unto all the nations, disciplining them, and baptizing them in the name of the father, son and holy spirit. Also known as the great commission. Every single person that loves Jesus is to tell and witness to others about Jesus. Jesus will mark us to burn for him, not literally, but to burn with his love and passion. To be called into the ministry, you have to be marked by him. It's when you are alone with him seeking his face that he will show you. When he first calls you to go into ministry, you may not have to right talents or wisdom. Jesus choose you; therefore, he will make you qualified. Sometimes Jesus just does such an incredible thing in your life, that it just burns in you. His love, and you have to let it out and tell the world because you just can't hold it in.