I somewhat feel like writing, but I don’t know what I feel like writing about. I could work on one of my old pieces. No, I’m in too lighthearted of a state to revisit my old, deep thoughts locked away in the corridor. My old works are too old. They might have their time to shine, but not now.
So if I’m not going to write something old, I guess that means that I have to write something new. I could write a story. No, too hard to develop. If I’m going to write a story then I’m going to need a plot, a dramatic love scene, contrasting characters, some backstory, and an ending. No, a story is too complicated for right now.
I don’t feel like researching anything. I don’t feel like reporting on anything, but yet I feel the need to write. There’s so much out there to write about, but nothing that I really feel like writing about. There’s so much that I want to write about, but just not now.
Maybe I should address the root of the problem. Why do I feel the need to write?
I thoroughly enjoy writing. I love systematically dancing around my room feeling the energy of each word as it escapes my mind and forms my thoughts on paper. I love vulnerably presenting my own work so that anyone may interpret it how they like, contort it, change it. As a writer, I share my work with you, trusting that you will care for it in the same way that I do, yet I know that you have the full potential to destroy it if you so wish. I love writing, but why do I want to do it now?
There are plenty of times when I don’t feel like writing. There are plenty of times when I binge on Netflix or entrance myself in studying when I know that I should be writing, but I just don’t. Writing, however, is more than just a task. Writing is an emotion. Currently, I am not feeling the need to write; I am feeling writing. In the same way I feel happy or I feel sad, I am partaking in the emotion where I convey my feelings, my personality, my life into text. I’m not choosing to write; instead, I am just writing. We all have these tasks; some might call them our passions.
As we grow up, we are mandated to label our passions, yet what we fail to realize is that we have already been partaking in them for so long. A passion is what you do because it feels natural doing it. Partaking in your passion extends your mind and connects you on a deeper level to the task at hand. Living your passion is living your full self.
We may have many passions in life. We may only have one, but realizing what is important to you, realizing what your passion truly is, can help you realize who you really are.
So I guess I just wrote something, and I feel pretty good.