As another year has closed another year has just opened up a year of opportunities. Many try to make resolutions and fail. This is not that kind of list. This is a list of things that I look forward to in this new year that is 2017. I came across these realizations after the negative and struggle worthy year that was 2016.
1. Letting go of all the bad feelings and bad mojo that I stupidly hold onto.
2016 was a rough and negative year. I'm ready to let it all go.
2. Loving more
Last year I came to the realization that I need to love rather than show anger. I'm gonna be like Gene towards all my loved ones. I love my family already, but I'm just gonna show it more.
3. Smiling on my own terms
I get told constantly to smile in dance, which is understandable.Smiling supposedly helps improve moods. I just remember crying a whole lot last year and now ready to smile.
4. Studying more
I didn't study as much as I should have and missed out on getting straight A's. It was only the one class that I got a B+ in, but still it would've been a 1st for me to get straight A's.
5. Reading more
I don't remember reading a whole lot during 2016, so I'm gonna read more. I've got a stack of books calling my name as we speak. Book worms understand the call.
6. Stressing less
I stressed too much over life and school. Stress can be normal, but I feel that I need to lessen the amount of stress in my life.
7. Knitting more
I love to knit, but didn't do a whole lot of it during 2016. I've got a ton of yarn that is calling my name to be knitted. I'm going to be Alica Keys knitting this year.
8. Dance more
This past year I signed up for more dances in 2016 for my 2017 recital. I haven't always practiced as much as I should. I plan to change this for this year! Dancing is exercising leads to endorphins and endorphins make people happy. I need a little more happiness in my life.
9. Eat more
This year I plan to try and eat more out of my comfort zone and healthier. TBH I typically eat like Kate Hudson is eating in this gif, but not that expressively.
10. Appreciated more
During 2016 year I came to the realization that I never really appreciated moments. I'm gonna try to capture more moments. I'm gonna try to enjoy life more this year.