We all have that social media friend who posts nothing but selfies and nothing with substance. Your view of them is extremely superficial. We also each seem to have a friend who appears to be the perfect mom — always doing everything in extreme fashion. Then we have the friend who is a die-hard activist. We also probably have a friend who is a workout junkie and posts mirror selfies every day... or multiple times a day. Or you may have that friend who is constantly inspiring and motivating others. We scroll through social media associating our perceptions of them. If we run into them in person we compare what we see online to what we get in person. How often does it align?
The first time you meet someone in person, they form an opinion of you in 7 seconds. Online, you have even less time. What would someone say about you in the first 7 seconds of glancing over your social media? When someone hears your name or sees you on social media what are their thoughts? When someone meets you in person do their views align?
Everything you do is related in today's technology-driven world. Whether you are rude to people you see in person, tweet something terrible about a former co-worker or share nothing but adorable animal videos on Facebook, everything you do is creating your personal brand. Take a second and think about the message you're sharing with the world. If you were someone else looking at you, what would your impression be?
Whether you want to be a better person, better professional, get a promotion, start a business, land an internship, join a board, or just be held in a higher regard as a person, the most important thing you can do is build your personal brand.
Who Are You? Who Do You Want To Be? How Do You Want To Be Perceived?
When you think of a good retail brand what comes to mind? Personally, I think of Apple, Chick-Fil-A and Amazon.They created the ultimate brand experience. You feel good when you engage with them. Their social presence aligns with the physical interaction of the brand. We each can build that same "brand experience" with our personal brand. Each interaction you make with someone enables you to further build upon who you are and create a good experience - both online and in person.
People are analyzing your social presence in more ways than just what you post. How do you engage with others? How do you act towards others? Are you the same in person as online? Are you authentic? You'll never meet everyone's expectations and you shouldn't try to but you should consider how you want to be perceived.
In order to maximize your personal brand, you need to invest in the process, yourself and others.
Invest in the process
Put yourself out there. Passion is inspiring. I have a passion for writing. I have a degree in communication and I don't think I will ever lose my desire to write and create content. I am always looking to grow and develop in all ways. I like sharing my journey of growth within my personal brand because I enjoy the process. Numerous people have reached out to me thanking me for inspiring them or sharing something they needed to hear. Others have encouraged me to keep sharing my opinions. The world needs positive messages driven by passion in this time of hate and discontent.
"The process is more important than the final product," says my friend Riley Tincher. He is a sports psychologist, author and coach. He continued on, "In the 'filtered world' of social media, we have become obsessed with the finished product. We only see the highlights of everyone's lives, & we only show the highlights of our own lives. The truth is, people would rather follow someone who is real, rather than someone who is always right, or perfect. They would rather follow someone who is relatable, & the daily struggle is relatable. It is extremely vulnerable, but it is authentic, & authenticity matters!"
Invest In Yourself
I see so many people online complaining about the situations they are in. Not only are they flooding their social media with negativity, they are not doing anything in real life to reach their goals or improve their situation. Creating a solid personal brand requires creating a solid real-life. Today we are so consumed with how we come across online but do not do anything to improve who we really are.
Did you know Bill Gates reads 50 books a year?
He is the world's richest man and he spends his time reading books. Why would he waste his time reading?
"This is one of the things I love about reading," Gates said. "Each book opens up new avenues of knowledge to explore." There seems to be a connection between his constant desire to further his knowledge and his success. There is also a correlation to the impression he makes on others. How many books have you read in the past year? How much time do you spend reading posts on social media? Maybe you should ditch reading trash on social media and actually read something that will further you as a person.
Personally, I love to read and am constantly consuming some type of book whether it is for my profession, personal interests or education requirements. I like to read on my kindle app while I am on the treadmill but I also like the feeling of a real book in my hands. I also LOVE the Blinkist app. Blinkist summarizes essentially any nonfiction book you can think of and has an audio option. I try to consume at least 10 books a week via Blinkist.
I also listen to podcasts every day. I like to start my day off with new information and ways of thinking so I listen while I get ready, on my way to work and sometimes while I am working out. Inc has a really great list of the top "100 podcasts that will make you better, smarter and wiser." I also have some personal favorites: 10% Happier, Slow Hustle, Revisionist History, TED Radio Hour, Earn Your Happy, Sales Gravy and The Tim Ferris Show.
Invest In Others
Find something you're passionate about and find a way to get involved. Share that passion with others and you may inspire them. Find a group of people with similar interests and encourage each otherToday, so many millennials and the younger generations are solely interested in the amount of followers or likes they have. They don't know the depth of real connection and in order to fill that void they are seeking the instant gratification from social media. Getting 200 likes on your selfie when you're feeling down will never give you the same feeling as a real connection with someone.
Go beyond surface level. If you see someone struggling, send them a message. Pick up the phone and actually have a conversation with a friend. Schedule a lunch date with your cousin. Send a hand-written card to a friend or even a business prospect. Taking a few minutes to invest in others makes a huge difference, not only in their life but in yours.
It's up to you to determine how your presence - online and in-person - affects those you come in contact with. Align what you want people to think about you with how people actually think about you. Your personal brand is the essence of your own unique story. What image are you portraying?
Riley Tincher is a sports psychologist, author, & speaker who believes in a future where every coach, at every level, fully comprehends the power of their influence, & realizes that their responsibilities go far beyond winning & losing. Riley is working towards a future where every athlete understands that sports do not define who they are, but what they do. Sports are a platform, not a calling."
Instagram, Twitter, & Snapchat: @RileyTincher
Facebook Page: /RileyBTincher