A woman waits outside of the house of the man she has been talking to for the past two years, but has never met. He is a model who added her on Facebook out of nowhere. They talk on the phone for hours every day. He does not know how to use Skype, so they never video chat. They have never met because he is too busy traveling the world.
Finally, the door opens, but the person who walks out is not the model she thought she has been talking to. The person who walks out the door is probably a different man who is insecure about his looks, or a woman who is her nemesis getting revenge on her, or someone who is confused about their gender or sexuality. No matter who walks out the door, I gasp. I am always shocked by every episode of "Catfish" that I watch.
People love to hate on reality television. When I spend an entire Saturday binge watching "Keeping Up With The Kardashians," I usually don’t advertise it. I might even lie and say I was binge watching another show. If I do tell people I was watching "KUWTK", their facial expression of disgust is enough for me to know that I am being judged. This is why my love for reality TV is something that I keep to myself. It’s my guilty pleasure."Big Brother," "KWUTK," "Catfish," "The Real Housewives," and "The Bachelor" are some of my personal favorites.
Every episode of "Catfish" is the same drama. It is the same plot and you can usually predict the outcome. Every episode of "Keeping Up With The Kardashians" has the same family drama that you expect. Each season of "The Bachelor" and "The Bachelorette" has the same plot. There is always that one person everyone hates that creates a lot of drama and the bachelor or bachelorette always is in love with multiple people and cries about it a lot.
This is exactly why I love reality television. It is reliable. Shows that make me think and keep me on my toes are nice too, but sometimes I don’t want that. Sometimes I just want to let my brain go numb and gasp and cry at the appropriate times and do the same thing every episode.
Reality TV also provides drama in my life, without actually making my life dramatic. I can watch real people in their real (maybe somewhat scripted lives) so my life does not have to be like that. I can be mad with Khloe when her and Kim are fighting or cry with the bachelorette when she loves two men at once. Then I can close my laptop and live a drama free life because I got all of the drama out of my system. There are plenty of people who love causing drama in their lives, and I think they must not watch enough reality television.