Whether it's first or second semester, syllabus week lays the foundation of how this semester is going to go. Priority number one for most people is meeting new professors, finding new classrooms, and figuring out which friends are in what class, but it also gives us college students the opportunity to figure out which classes are going to be killer. So here is a tribute to 'those' professors, awkward ice breakers, and little wins that make your day. Happy Syllabus week!
When you see your best friend in the class:
Having that one friend in the class makes a world of difference in helping to keep you sane, plus it eliminates the anxiety of partner projects.
When the professor wants to be friends:
Sometimes professors can be the cool kind of friends, and sometimes they come on a little too strong.
“The last test is not cumulative”:
What a time to be alive!
“Please do not eat in my class”:
The professor is asking his 12pm class not to be distracted by food? What?
“No one gets and A in my class”:
But, like...why?
“Please tell us your name and one thing about yourself":
Nothing beats doing the same ice breakers for every class!
Every professor as they assign 10 chapters for next class:
And so it begins....!
“I’m not here to make your life hell”:
Thank you for being that professor.
“There is no such thing as taking my class just for a credit, you are all here to learn”:
Please, don't make me laugh!!
When there is daily assignments, 6 tests, and 4 papers and attendance is mandatory:
That's life for you.
“Feel free to work together”:
There are no sweeter words.
When your professor grades everything for completion:
A standing ovation to you sir/madame!