In my sociology class at UAH, we talk a lot about something called "social constructs." In short, what this means is that nearly everything about life that you think is a real, solid, fact about life is really just something that our culture has come up with and it's not really real. For example, childhood. Today we view childhood as a time of ease and no responsibility. We all know that this has not always been the case. Other eras have seen children working in factories or picking cotton. In short, there is nothing inherent about childhood that says it should be a time to have fun and not worry. The life phase is based upon culture and social construction.
This concept was kind of hard for me to swallow. We just made it all up? Surely not. Something has to be real. And then as I sat taking notes about the abstractness of our world, words came floating back to me from I don't know where. "The only things that are real in life aren't tangible. You can't see them. You can't feel them. But they are real." Your body isn't real. Your house isn't real. Your car, your city, your world, they aren't real. And what I mean by real is that they don't last. They don't matter. They don't exist beyond this lifetime.
Love, joy, peace. Those things are real.
God. He is from everlasting to everlasting.
Heaven will last forevermore.
Here’s the kicker— you’re soul. That is the only real thing about you. It is the only thing that will last. It is the only thing that matters.
Not your body, not your mind, not your clothes, your car, house, not even your marriage is real. They will all fade away. But your soul, that will last for eternity.
That can either be a wonderful thing to hear, or a terrifying thing to hear. It all hangs on the following question.
Where will your soul, this real, lasting, unfading part of you, spend eternity?
Because you see, there are only two options: Heaven. Or Hell.
That’s it. You don’t get a choice to not participate in eternity. Every person that has ever existed has a very real soul. And that soul will live on through eternity. And that soul will spend that eternity in eternal destruction or eternal rest. And the choice is yours.