I thought moving to college would be fun, a place to be close to all your friends and live under your OWN roof, finally! I wasn't wrong, but I wasn't exactly right either... Yes, you're away from your parents. There isn't a curfew.
You can spend all your time watching Netflix and only get criticized by your parents over the phone. But, a couple problems arise being trapped with a human you have never known before college for long periods of time. You find out things about yourself and about them, that you had never known before. Me? I learned that
1) I don't like to sleep in freezing cold.
2) I can't handle a trashed messy room. And
3) I miss privacy.
Your parents aren't snooping through your stuff, and it's all your own. But now you share your stuff with another person. They see the good, bad, and the very very very horrifyingly ugly. You can't just leave a pregnancy test or used Q-tip on the counter! Although I hope you didn't do that before you shared a living space...
And if you think you guys will always be on the same schedule, welcome to reality. You will NOT.
You want to take a nap, but she's studying and needs light. Who is the one that needs to compromise?
You want the counter cleared off but she prefers her makeup ready for her in the morning. Who gets to choose where your stuff will go?
And my PERSONAL FAVORITE, if you have to wake up and get ready at 7:00 a.m. for a class and she gets up wayyy later for a class, do you get to turn the light on? Personal experience says no because she will groan and request consistently that you don't. I hope you know how to do makeup in the dark. I'm gonna put that shit on my resume. I am so proud, I swear.
So, yes. You get a room with no controlling family and infinite privacy. Unless you count the person you have never met who resides 5 feet from you. If she snores are you paying for sleep anti-snore counseling? Because the school isn't.
Some days, living with a girl your age can be fun. You can eat ramen and watch Harry Potter, or cry about boys together. (The sooner you accept that they're all idiots, the happier you will be.)
And some days, you will beg her to take the garbage out and she will throw out the expensive new eyeliner that you just bought. You will go from love to hate faster than you thought possible. It's called balance.
You're two different people, with different opinions and emotions and cycles that you must pray never occur simultaneously or World War 3 may just begin. Keep chocolate in your fridge, always.
It may not always be easy, but at least there is always someone at school to count on when your day gets a little too boring. Living without a roommate means no challenge. And where's the fun in that?