The truth is that each of our realities that we live in is determined by our minds. By reality I mean our thoughts, views on the world, what we want out of life, how we believe others view us, how we view ourselves, etc. All of these thoughts start in the mind and then our mind has more and more thoughts pertaining to the main thought we started out on. Our head becomes filled with all these thoughts and many of us take them as a fact of reality.
We must understand our thoughts and how they control our reality. When we spend time in our mind instead of the present moment, then we will of course think about whatever we want. The thought could be related to how you feel about the moment, you could be planning how to achieve future goals, life, or something else. It could be anything. What if a thought that hits you is related to a bad event like how someone made you feel bad about yourself. Lets say you are recalling that many people told you over and over again that no one will ever love you or you will not go anywhere in life. At first maybe you shook it off, but after awhile you started to believe that they are right. Now guess what? You aren't in that moment meaning you are not actually there spending time with your friends watching TV. You are reliving bad events that happened in your life and now you are feeling negative emotions. At that point in time you may start to experience negative emotions, so you try to get away by going home or laying down going to sleep. On your way home you realized that you left your friends house without saying much other than bye. You didn't say it was fun, or when you want to hang out again, or what you are going to do. There is a disconnect in that moment between you two because your friend was enjoying spending time with you, but you did not have much fun because you were in your mind living in a bad moment. You were in your head as time went by. Now you go home and maybe snap at your mom or dad. Maybe you throw a fake smile like everything is all right talking about how much fun you had. You go to your room and you don't eat dinner talking about how you are not hungry. Next thing you know there you are in your room with all the lights out basically showing how right now in your reality you are in the dark all alone. Your friend texts you thinking something us wrong. You say everything is all right with a smiley face at the end of your text. Then you go on social media looking for a distraction just hoping that your mind forgets and focuses on something else. Going on social media makes things worse though because you see how everyone seems happy or content, but you are feeling sad and alone. You go to sleep just hoping that when you wake up to start the new day everything will be different. The problem is that when you wake up you feel the same, maybe even worse because you struggled to sleep all night. Now your mind is falling deeper and deeper into the dark. Every moment is a nightmare and you just hope someone or something puts you out of your misery. The days get worse and life being life the hard times hit you when you are feeling low.
Thats how the mind can be hell. Chemicals, bad moments, habits, all can play a part in making your mind hell. The mind is what you make it and with the help of maybe prescribed pills, counseling, eating habits, sleep habits, and lifestyle changes then you can be in a better place. It is work especially because it is easy to be negative than it is to be positive. Positive is something you strive for. Don't be a prisoner to life, others, yourself, or your mind. Be free and happy.