I am the eldest child in my family, and the only girl. I have two younger brothers. Growing up, I always wanted a sister. Then, I would have someone to share clothes with, talk to about boys, get advice from and so on. However, all I got was two brothers. When you grow up as the only girl in your family, you learn a lot, and it really can shape you into the person that you are. If I had a sister, I would probably be very different. Having two brothers has really defined who I am, and I am sure it has defined a lot of other girls too. And honestly, there are some things only girls who grew up just with brothers will understand or relate to.
Sometimes, they are jerks for no reason.
(This show is so relevant wow.)
You get into fights, a lot.
They can always make you laugh.
Sometimes you just have to like play with their face... I hope this is a typical sister thing and not a weird me thing.
They often imitate you in that high pitched, annoying voice, which no one actually sounds like.
They will probably try to kill you, at least once. Or just beat you up. A lot.
They will be weird with you.
They're gross and you'll be forced into doing some odd things, like smelling their feet.
You know you'll always be a team.
Sometimes you really just can't stand one another.
You have inside jokes that just take a single look to understand.
They will always protect you.
They give great hugs. Especially when you are sad.
You have someone to annoy.
They understand you. (And your laziness.)
They encourage you.
No matter what, you will always be family and will always love each other.
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