Literally every single zombie apocalypse film gets it wrong concerning how to survive when the dead come to life and attack. They're basically the same in terms of the choices that the characters make in order to try and survive the zombie apocalypse.
1. Don't Group Up!
Every zombie flick shows a person (or a few people) joining a group of people they don’t even know. During the apocalypse, this is a big no no because trust is a must and you should never trust strangers to save your life. The first rule of the zombie apocalypse is to trust no one. Do not trust your boyfriend or girlfriend, your best friend, or even most of your family; likelier than not, they will betray you and end up getting you killed. The best thing to do is to stay alone because only you can trust yourself to not screw yourself over. So, the best way to ensure there isn’t any more trouble than needed in a zombie apocalypse, limit the amount of humans you come into contact with.
2. Don't Go Towards The Zombies!
Another thing that the movies tell you to do (which seems to be the worst way to die) is to constantly be running towards zombies to kill them. In each film with a zombie in it, the characters seem hell-bent on murdering each and every zombie they see. Personally, I believe the best way to survive during a zombie invasion is to lay low and avoid any contact with zombies if possible. It’s more realistic than an average man or woman having the strength, and weaponry, to go after zombies day after day. I believe if it were to actually occur, most people would stay quietly locked up in their homes, safe from the monsters outside their doors. Not everyone has a gun in their house or a large ax to chop off zombie heads with, so this is the only reasonable way to survive a zombie apocalypse.
3. Stock Up Before The Storm!
Along with both of the ways mentioned above, another thing that movies get wrong about how to survive a zombie attack concerns supplying yourself with food. In the movies, they show groups of people making a big deal about running to get more food supplies, but realistically I would have stocked up immediately after hearing the word "zombie"-- before any of the intense stuff went down. If I ran out of food during the zombie apocalypse, I would not bring a group of people with me. First because – like I said – staying with a group of people during a zombie attack is the stupidest thing you could do, and, second, a group of people would not be able to quietly maneuver around the dead people walking. One of those people will definitely do something wrong and get everyone killed, that’s for sure.
So, realistically, surviving a zombie apocalypse would not be simple or fun, but you would be more successful in staying alive if you hide alone in your home, don’t go out of your way to kill zombies and attract attention to yourself, and stock up heavily on food and necessary supplies ahead of time. Movies tell too many lies about how to survive zombies, so take into consideration some of these realistic tips to make it through the zombie apocalypse.