Every year around New Years, people begin making their resolutions. Losing weight, working out, or trying to be a better person. (All valid resolutions, but never upheld.) College students are probably the worse at holding their resolutions. So I've compiled a list of resolutions that shouldn't be too hard to follow.
1. Go to class
You are paying all that money to attend that class, so why on earth are you going to skip those classes? The more classes you go to the more likely you are to pass that class. Try putting some more effort into the thousands of dollars you are spending.
2. Wash your hair every other day, not every 5th day
Dry shampoo only goes so far. Washing your hair every day is bad for it, but every other day can really make a difference. It is a good habit to get in with, and you can pair it with your gym schedule as well.
3. Don't do laundry if you have class in 15 minutes
Nobody likes when someones laundry is just sitting there ready to be taken out. It is annoying and inconsiderate. Do your laundry when you have time to do your laundry, not when it is most convenient for you to let it sit in there for hours
4. Budget your money
Take some initiative and finally figure out your money. You might have a bunch of it saved up, but what are you doing with it? Spending it on alcohol or on investments like a car?
5. Only go out once a weekend
Do your body a favor and only go out once a weekend. That much alcohol at such a young age can actually be bad for us, by the way. Find other fun things to go do with your friends that don't always involve alcohol.
6. Delete your Tinder
Do yourself a favor by deleting your Tinder. Hookups can be fun, no doubt, but it is time to move past that toxic environment that Tinder can create. You are better than that.
7. Choose healthier food options
It can be hard on campus to find healthy options, but they are there. Stop being picky and start eating healthy. It is OK to eat unhealthy every once in a while, but if you want to feel better, eat better.
8. Stay on top of homework
Don't wait until the last day to do a paper. Stress can sometimes be a burden you put on yourself. Set deadlines and standards for yourself with homework. It can help you produce better quality work too.
9. Get to bed on time
With staying on top of homework, you can also get to bed at reasonable times during the week now. This can improve your mood and academic performance overall.
10. Stop caring what others think
Generic, but true. Everyone is so caught up in the social scene at college, that we sometimes forget to focus on ourselves and what we think of ourself. Don't let others define you this next school year, and just do you boo.