Karma, Karma, Karma. What does it mean?
Over the past century, the word karma has completely taken a different path of the root meaning in which it stands. The ancient seed of karma means action. Meaning your experience is entirely determined by you. Health, happiness, misery, ecstasy, sadness, joy; it is all determined by you. Our body is made up of instruments. But throughout life and how fully we want to live it, it all depends on how well we play them.
Most of us meander around life blaming everything on others, blaming our friends, family, life, other surrounding factors, but what we never realize is that our life is our making and we determine how we want to live it. Throughout the past couples years, I have walked around and blamed others for the things that have happened to me. I have blamed everyone else but myself, when I am the only reason to blame for all my downfalls in my life. If all I do is focus on all the negatives in life then my life will become a cycle of never-ending negative connotations. If I want to succeed and become the person I imagine myself to be, then I need to make actions to get to that point.
A lot of us just sit around waiting for a miracle to happen and a lot of us sit around rather than going out and working hard because it is easier to sit around then it is to fail. But failure is a pathway of life that all of us need to take on, because if we don't fail then we will never know what it means to succeed. When we fail, we grow. When we cry, we will reach hope. When we tear down our own well being, we will know what depression really means. We all need to walk down paths that we don't want to take on. But how we take those paths is ultimately up to us.
Here's a lesson I want to preach:
If you want to be an entrepreneur, surround yourself with entrepreneurs. If you want to be a writer, surround yourself with writers. If you want to be a CFO, surround yourself with CFO's. We are supposed to surround ourselves with the people in which we hope to become. But it can also take a different direction. If you surround yourself with people who associate with drug dealing, you are more likely to become pressured into becoming a drug dealer. If you surround yourself with people who don't care about their schooling and academics, you are more likely to not focus on school as well. If you are surrounded by people who only want to party, you will evolve into their party habits.
I think you get the point now.
What I am trying to say is the people you should surround yourself with should be the ones in whom you inspire to become. You want to surround yourself with people who have the same goals and aspirations. You want to surround yourself with people who will lift you up. If you want to focus on academics, internships, and artwork; then surround yourself with people who believe in those pathways too. Majority of my life I have suppressed my own inner well being by surrounding myself with the people I didn't connect to on the inside, but I could fake it on the outside.
But eventually, I turned into the person I never wanted to become. I lost myself along the way and I wish I never did. But now as I am here writing this story in hopes to inspire others to stick to who you are and tell everyone to not give up on finding people who you connect to with on an intellectual side, but also on an aspiration side. Because when you surround yourself with people who aren't like you, you will become someone you never thought you would ever evolve into.
The lesson I am trying to preach here is to take on tasks that scare you. Step outside your comfort zone. When you are uncomfortable, that is good. Uncomfortable measures mean you are learning. And when we learn, we will grow. And growing will lead us down the right path. The paths you take will lead you down the right direction in hopes of achieving your end goal. So find your goal. Who do you want to become? Who do you aspire to be? And once you figure that outtake steps in that direction. And if along the way you make a mishap and walk down the wrong alley. You'll be fine. Get back up and walk down the right road in the right direction and sooner rather than later you'll hit the right spot.